Yeah, mine has a very similar vein, only able to be seen from certain angles in certain light. My first Mark II bust had an actual deformity there, which you could feel and see clearly. Neither my Mark III nor BD bust have it. I tried to take a picture of it, but can't seem to get it to show up on my camera.
So I Left The This Picture For Last.......Because this is Bothering me A Little...Not That has like a Small "Vein" .......
This would bugg the hell out of me if it was mine. My eyes would always go right to that spot every time I looked at it. If it was me I would send it back....but thats me
WOW this would not bug me at all.....
Agreed. If I had to send back every SS piece of mine with a subtle flaw like this, I would have nothing left.
This would bugg the hell out of me if it was mine. My eyes would always go right to that spot every time I looked at it. If it was me I would send it back....but thats me
Actually I did Send it Back for a Full Refund & I have my 800+ dollars in my account and Very Happy About It!!! .... Not really missing him that much.....
Actually I did Send it Back for a Full Refund & I have my 800+ dollars in my account and Very Happy About It!!! .... Not really missing him that much.....
Seriously dude? You could have easily sold that to someone on here I bet
I felt the same way when I sent my first 1:1 IM bust back....ooohh the memories
wanna bet if i went on the WL for this it'll convert
It won't...