Thanks. Mine too!Love that pic Rezeznikk! That poster you have behind him is one of my favorites.
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I can't stop staring at this thing
Great Pic MYC.... Tomorrow afternoon can not come soon enough.
And delivered!! Beautifully amazing!!
Just turn it into its base and should be much better.My only other gripe, and it’s small, is the lightsaber is crooked when put together. This looks like it might be able to be fixed, I’m hoping so cuz it’s the first thing I see.
Just turn it into its base and should be much better.
damn guys... this thing is ****ing ridicolous .... by any good means.. Im still in awe.... This thing is all I ever wanted from a Vader statue.. and in 1/4 scale.. I can not be any happier at this point.. I finally have the feeling I can quit collecting because this Vader give me all I want in my Star Wars collection.
I had the Sideshow Vader... This one here puts it to shame with ease ...
TO all you.. who are on the fence.. get it.. I know there are some great pictures and videos.. but if you see this BEAST in person.. its unbelievable !!!
PLEASE IRON STUDIOS ... Continue with your 1/4 scale line...
Thanks I felt like the cape was a bit much. If you have it flailing all over it covers up a lot of the base which I wanted to showcase as well. I might mess with it same more and have it more off to the side behind the saber like it's blowing in the wind.I like the way you have his cape....really thins things out and shows the base and saber well. I might play with this on mine.
All I really did was bunch it up in that back and then bent the wire frame tight to his shoulders. His right side of the cape was a bit tougher to get to lay naturally in the back for some reason.I wanna see a closer up pic of what you've done with his cape back there! Looks good from here.