There is nothing wrong with making money.
Depends on how you make the money. Or I guess for some it doesn't.
I personally think there’s a huge difference between buying a statue (or multiples) with the intention of selling at a markup shortly after a retail sellout, and buying a single statue with the expectation (or hope, whatever) that it will be worth more than you paid for it at some point in the future. Doesn’t seem like a big deal either way. But one is scalping or flipping in my view, and the other is a natural part of collecting.
As for this statue, I’m not shocked that the market has cooled a bit. After the initial retail buyers and the wave of panicked (to greater or lesser degree) second hand buyers, maybe much of the demand is met for now. I imagine the majority of statue buyers figure once a piece sells out, it’s gone for good. Most don’t come here or on other forums, and most probably don’t care to spend the time eBay hunting when there will be more Vaders to come (whether better/more accurate or not, and that part is possibly not of great importance to these same people).
We've had people buying multiple statues and props, for example just check the Rebelscum Vader Legend helmet thread and the classifieds section there, where a few guys bought 3 and even 6 Vader Legends, just to put them on sale some time later after it was sold out, when you were allowed just one per order. When some other collectors mentioned it, there were also people who heavily defended them. Thanks to a friend who was not greedy I managed to get my Legend for close to US MSRP, and I also helped 2 collector friends get theirs for a good price from elsewhere. And I sold my LE for the exact price I got it for to a good friend, though I could have earned more for it and he would have paid it no problem. Not long after that the same friend, without me asking for it, helped me with something else.
Some collectors only want low edition pieces, no matter how good a piece is, and how much they like it, they won't touch it, because the edition size is too big or no edition size at all. I don't care about that. I buy something because I like it, I want to have it in my collection and enjoy having it, not with the purpose of reselling later. It is good when an item raises in value, but for me it is way less important as it seems to be for some people. I also sold very few items from my collection since I started collecting decades ago.
But there’s a market for it. Sucks for some people but some others are willing to fork over the cash if they’re crazy and want it bad enough. Can’t just blame the seller. It’s not the sellers fault, it’s the buyers demand.
I believe in snooze you loose. You can’t get hung on a piece if it wasn’t your time when it came to purchasing it. There will always be another. Especially in today’s climate. Maybe not the same piece but something else will catch your eye.
But it feels damn good when you do score a piece that you really like and everybody freaking wants and can’t because they can no longer afford it and they snoozed when they had the chance.
That my friend is collecting.
The market for this statue doesn't show that is double the price yet. It is raising slowly, but not double. So is good for buyers to look for better options out there, than just pay double price. But we live in a greedy society, so no wonders after all. My problem is when the same guys who increase some of these prices cry all over the place (and they are the most vocal), that they cannot get other items, because of the high price, which people just like them raise. Look at EFX site and their warehouse finds, the perfect example in how the market evolves. People also forget the way world works, you get big money on something, but you also need to pay big money for something else. There is a balance in the end, I've seen very few collectors becoming rich in this field.
But it feels damn good when you do score a piece that you really like and everybody freaking wants and can’t because they can no longer afford it and they snoozed when they had the chance.
Not in my case. I did my best in helping various friends get their hands on pieces they wanted at the best price possible. And I was helped like that as well. There are times when you are greedy and you get greed in return, or you are not greedy and get friends who help you in return. You can even consider that you will reap what you sow. Food for thought...

Well cheers to that. It's my fault at the end of the day but I'll keep a look out for a bargain. One will pop up eventually.
Good luck

, if I see one for a good price I'll let you know.