Iron Studios - 1:4 movie Winter Soldier

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I just don't see how this statue is worth anything more than a 450$ PF honestly. Likeness is just not there, pose is kinda bland for the character and the base is terrible. It will surely have a nice texturing on the costume and clean paint app but to ask a premium for this is ridicolous in my books.
Seriously, I'm so glad I preordered him with a local shop now instead of going with Sideshow. Like this I can now at least wait till he's released and people post reviews before he's even available over here and if he has quality issues like Spidey, I'll just cancel. :( No way I'm spending ~800€ on a statue that has so many flaws ...

I was REALLY looking forward to these Civil War statues. Now I am really on the fence with Pre ordering after the Spidey Debacle. Such a shame. I had high hopes for IS.
Well, he looks a bit chubby coz he looked like that in CW. He didn't have the sleek grace from TWS coz he put on much more weight and kinda went overboard imo. He even said so himself. Also, the CW vest was kinda poofy.

Tho, I read some interview w. the costume designer who was talking about WS and saying that since SS is only an inch shorter than CE, they wanted CE to have a tall "V" silhouette and WS/Bucky to have a wider, "rectangle" silhouette - I mean to me WS Bucky isn't THIN. And IMO badass strong in CW. I think in CW they had to emphasize Bucky's abilities without all that black badassery to underscore it. Which I think, happened re the Bucky-breakout fight. IMO Henley shirts and plums will never be the same.:lol

On a high fence about this. Might not be if it were the "perfect" Bucky, but...for that kind of money IMO this NEEDS to be perfect. IMO a good sculpt, but that's the proto - and IMO the hair strands could have been more detailed and I think, darker - when they spent so much time on the clothing texture. I'm worried re the Spiderman issues. That's a lot of money for a lot of base that I could get materials for from a hardware store and they'd be "real". Little things - dynamic pose is fine, but that pose never happened in the film.

Love the character but would want companion pieces$$$. Then the prospect of *possible* returns - or - I hate smashing pieces. Argh, this blows - 1/4 scale, but $$$$ and what would I be paying for? Not completely off the table for me, but think I'll wait...oh, no, that Instagram pic:love...even across a room this would be EPIC - that Bucky/Falcon pic is EVIL:panic: $$$ *my sad bank account*:lol
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On a high fence about this. Might not be if it were the "perfect" Bucky, but...for that kind of money IMO this NEEDS to be perfect. IMO a good sculpt, but that's the proto - and IMO the hair strands could have been more detailed and I think, darker - when they spent so much time on the clothing texture. I'm worried re the Spiderman issues. That's a lot of money for a lot of base that I could get materials for from a hardware store and they'd be "real". Little things - dynamic pose is fine, but that pose never happened in the film.

The hair strands remind me of this toy we had as kids that made Play-Doh noodles.
The hair strands remind me of this toy we had as kids that made Play-Doh noodles.


Or a cookie press. For me - not to rain on the parade, just all those little things...


WETA Thranduil hair....


SS WW hair....

There's dozens of figs w. finely stranded poly hair. That are cheaper. And only 1:6, so it should be EASIER to detail a 1:4.



Far as I can tell, Sebastian Stan has blue-grey eyes. This proto seems to have green/hazel eyes.

Which if true?, that's a little thing that makes me nervous at this price - so much attention to the fabric but the eyes may be the wrong shade? And SS real hair seems pretty dark vs. this proto.

Well, for me it's painful:(, but *seems like* this fig is best? designed to be? viewed a few feet way - but that's weird, if the clothes are so detailed. Congrats to those who are going to get him, but...for me, think I'll sit back and see what else hopefully comes out, in the next few years. I really need at this price to be patting myself on the back when I open the box. And I'm all for diorama bases but IMO this didn't need to be this big, as bases go. Just hope I'm not crying later:( - but not seeing the value here. Yet. Maybe in-hand it's better.
Ugh ... I can't decide whether I like how his face looks in that pic or if I don't. Sadly I'm leaning towards, nope, don't like it. I mean, the overall look of the figure is great but the more I think about it, the more I fear that I'd forever be nitpicking or trying to ignore the things I don't like about it. And aside from the humongous base most of that has to do with his face. -___- The hair really doesn't look good, it looks like pasta or play-doo, yeah. I mean, I could have sculpted that hair, that's how bad it is. :/

I'll be keeping the preorder until they've shown Cap but I think I'll ultimately cancel this one here and stick with HT figures. As Sassafras said, for that price, this statue has to be perfect and gods, it's really not. :( I'm sad coz I really wanted it to be gorgeous and I really wanted to get him and Cap but I'm also glad that Iron Studios is helping me to save some money. Now, hopefully some other company pics up WS and knocks it out of the park.
I'm rolling the dice with Bucky, only because he is one of my favorite characters and lacks representation with any other 1/4 statues. Hoping he and Cap look good next to each other.
I'm rolling the dice with Bucky, only because he is one of my favorite characters and lacks representation with any other 1/4 statues. Hoping he and Cap look good next to each other.

Thought the pic you posted - Bucky looks pretty good - maybe the lighting; hair, clothing look soft/textured; great face, etc. I'm dangerously close to breaking my own rule for *pricey* figures where "only buy if you completely love it or kick yourself hard later for the dust collector you paid way too much for that you have to keep at the back of the shelf." Then I look at SS proto shots and "eh".

*Gloomy* 1/4 scale. 1/4 scale. But. Guess I'll wait for now, because aside from the hair - IMO that face would have to be perfectly painted. No googly eyes. No seams if the arms are separate pieces. Couldn't the arm paint be more metallic looking? No chips on the rifle and is that rifle plastic or what? etc.

Edit: so, OK, around 2 months later and everything Iron Studios put in my head is still there...LOL:lol. Blah blah all my nitpicking about this piece:panic: but couldn't stop thinking about adding it to the collection - it's friggin' BUCKY and IMO probably a pretty unique interpretation and I kind of just love it for a lot of reasons, as artist interpretations go. Or, I guess I love it a lot more than not love it. I have to have it:cool:. (Provided IS comes through, I figure they are sort of on a parole, now, after the Spidey thing:horror.)

Anyway, I'd like to thank all the You-tubers and folks who put up amazing, close-up shots in the IS Falcon and Captain America threads:clap. Gotta say CA looks amazing and sort of feel sad I probably will never own him$$$. But those careful shots were a huge, huge help:) in me deciding what I might be buying for 600$ +. Even the Spidey pictures and vids - with all the issues, if the QC is there, as folks say, the fig itself seems to be stellar. By the end of my "research" I was drooling over CA (even tho there were issues, here and there, but what a great piece). Since IS Falcon and Bucky seemed to be scheduled for release Q1/Q2, I thought, what if these are amazing figs and I missed out....:(

So I'm rolling the dice on Bucky too, in the end:pray:. Because of those Spidey and Cap and Falcon pictures, and hoping IS learned a lot this year. If there are *issues* well, guess Bucky will be sent back:(, and that will be that *meh*.


I need this in my life (well, if IS steps it up, anyway). Don't think this WS costume/look will ever be done again, with Infinity Wars coming up etc. They probably won't make that many:horror. REALLY debatable whether I can afford a companion piece - I'd love Falcon. Tho I suppose someone will always be making a Captain America in all kinds of scales, so there's hope even if I can't go for the CW Captain that's part of this line:(. If I had the funds I'd get BP too:cool:. (WS image from
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I don't think this WS is a particularly strong standalone piece. I do believe that in the full diorama, its minor shortcomings will fade away, to a degree. I've got all four on pre-order so far, and will keep them as long as they don't butcher Cap and Iron Man. Should make for a killer display.

I also think the people complaining about the decorative base being so high should remember that this is designed as part of a diorama, and that Cap's base is intended to complete the lower portion of the stairs. It was not designed to be a solo piece, which is why the base is like that.
I mean, yeah, of course it was designed to be part of that diorama and I'm sure it will look great for anyone who has the money and space to display the 6 statues like that. But honestly, I'm not one of them. I just aint got the room. Seriously, where do you even put a monster like this? I can barely find a place for Cap and Bucky alone. XD
Meh, that's a 5000$ display right there, give or take.
Half of the characters have weird or bland poses (War Machine, Panther, Bucky), all of them have those weird tall bases that imho detract from the figure. Doesn't sound much like a good deal in my eyes, but still looking forward the Iron Man (if that's the MK46 they're doing)
Man you guys on dog food. If I didn't vastly prefer the WS outfit, I'd have this PO'd.

But IMO no-one's saying it's AWFUL. From the looks of it, IMO there's a lot of good here. IMO if you like CW/character/characters etc. this should be an instant buy. But it's asking a lot IMO to go on the Ramen diet for a while, to invest in something you're not sure of or think could've been, should have been done better.

Then who's to say that SS or other, down the line, w. more movies coming etc., won't put out something epic that's a must-have? It'd be one thing if there were posts all over raving about IS quality. For me it's not completely off the table, but not an easy decision. Unless SS etc. start handing out big holiday coupons w. free shipping.
I was on the fence about this but the more I look at the group shots, the more I want WS and Cap. I'd love to get Falcon too but he's just too expensive. I mean, come one! THAT'S an amazing display!
