Iko Iko
Super Freak
LOVE this Punisher. Honestly, I don't even need the 2nd head sculpt (it is nice but I'd probably never display it). Can't wait for SSC to put this one up.
Too blurry
Does anyone know when this goes on pre-order? I heard pre-orders go up on Thursdays and to expect it in September... hoping it's soon as I want to give them my money as fast as possible
No, the rumor was it would go on pre-order this month. This was posted mid/late August. I'm hoping it's tomorrow/today. I refreshed several times the last two weeks hoping.... just wasn't meant to be. Crossing my fingers for today thou. I just want to pay for him now and get it over with because I know there is a lot of interest for him and I don't want to miss out being he is my favorite comic character of all time and I've gone by his name in the gaming community for 14 years now. MUST HAVE!