Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys or Not?

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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Iron Man has gotten 20, Batman about 13 or so. So 5 from these lines is not un-reasonable to ask for.

Agree completely. I also think, like, they made two Sucker Punch figures, so why don't they make a Tim Allen figure. 1 Tim Allen figure is not too much. We all liked Home Improvement as much as me, right? We got 20 Iron Man figures so 1 Tim Allen figure is not un-reasonable to ask for.

After that, I be wanting a Jill figure too, and maybe a lawnmower.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Agree completely. I also think, like, they made two Sucker Punch figures, so why don't they make a Tim Allen figure. 1 Tim Allen figure is not too much. We all liked Home Improvement as much as me, right? We got 20 Iron Man figures so 1 Tim Allen figure is not un-reasonable to ask for.

After that, I be wanting a Jill figure too, and maybe a lawnmower.

Oh Grosby, you kidder :rolleyes2
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Well it'd be a tough sell if just the Tim Allen figure, I'll admit, but if HT commit to the line and complete it, people will buy. They don't want a repeat of their Terminator line, where people didn't buy the T-800 because they feared there'd be no Kyle Reese.

It's clear to me, as a man who has a certificate in business, that lines like 'Thor' and 'Sucker Punch' fail not because of lack of interest, but purely because the line isn't being 'completed.' People scoff at 'Sucker Punch' now, but believe me if there were three more figures, people would be thinking, 'Must buy.' The idea of trying to sell just one or two figures is pure insanity. People want five or they want nothing. People may think, 'Well, if one doesn't sell well, it doesn't make sense to make another four,' but that's just silly talk, those people don't know what they're talking about. Instead of $300 worth of 'Sucker Punch,' five figures would bring it to nice $750 - 800, and that's what the people want. They want it because I type that they want it. What I type goes! End of!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Well it'd be a tough sell if just the Tim Allen figure, I'll admit, but if HT commit to the line and complete it, people will buy. They don't want a repeat of their Terminator line, where people didn't buy the T-800 because they feared there'd be no Kyle Reese.

It's clear to me, as a man who has a certificate in business, that lines like 'Thor' and 'Sucker Punch' fail not because of lack of interest, but purely because the line isn't being 'completed.' People scoff at 'Sucker Punch' now, but believe me if there were three more figures, people would be thinking, 'Must buy.' The idea of trying to sell just one or two figures is pure insanity. People want five or they want nothing. People may think, 'Well, if one doesn't sell well, it doesn't make sense to make another four,' but that's just silly talk, those people don't know what they're talking about. Instead of $300 worth of 'Sucker Punch,' five figures would bring it to nice $750 - 800, and that's what the people want. They want it because I type that they want it. What I type goes! End of!

You might be onto something with the Home Improvement (HI) line. But HT don't do kids and the chances that HT get the likeness rights for Wilson are slim - so the best we'll see is Tim, Jill and Al.

I'd say that, given how much notice HT take of this forum - and nobody could seriously argue that HT don't scan these threads daily to see how they can improve on, say, CR Superman's logo, Spiderman's boots or Bruce Lee's head sculpt - there's a fair chance that a simple petition would stir them into action on the HI line.

Come on guys, let's make it happen!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Agree completely. I also think, like, they made two Sucker Punch figures, so why don't they make a Tim Allen figure. 1 Tim Allen figure is not too much. We all liked Home Improvement as much as me, right? We got 20 Iron Man figures so 1 Tim Allen figure is not un-reasonable to ask for.

After that, I be wanting a Jill figure too, and maybe a lawnmower.

I second a Tim Allen figure.. lol.. love HI.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Home Improvement is bad. They should make Rosanne figures. Think of how accurately porcine they could make her.

And I like this new idea of Hot Toys obeying things because I type them. It's like magic.

Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Sanford and Son, FTW. :lecture

My poor thread got the axe, but that does not chance the fact that I'd like to have a Rolo and Graddy figure.

This thread is silly... buy what you like!!!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

:lol Yeah, Rosanne was a big, fat joke, but I'd buy Sanford & Son figures.

Not before Welcome Back, Kotter though. Washington, Barbarino, and Epstein please.

I'm not over Hot Toys, because I was never under them. I would be if they were to make so bold a move as that.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Agree completely. I also think, like, they made two Sucker Punch figures, so why don't they make a Tim Allen figure. 1 Tim Allen figure is not too much. We all liked Home Improvement as much as me, right? We got 20 Iron Man figures so 1 Tim Allen figure is not un-reasonable to ask for.

After that, I be wanting a Jill figure too, and maybe a lawnmower.


Common No Heidi? or Wilson with a wall accessory.:pray:
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Well it'd be a tough sell if just the Tim Allen figure, I'll admit, but if HT commit to the line and complete it, people will buy. They don't want a repeat of their Terminator line, where people didn't buy the T-800 because they feared there'd be no Kyle Reese.

It's clear to me, as a man who has a certificate in business, that lines like 'Thor' and 'Sucker Punch' fail not because of lack of interest, but purely because the line isn't being 'completed.' People scoff at 'Sucker Punch' now, but believe me if there were three more figures, people would be thinking, 'Must buy.' The idea of trying to sell just one or two figures is pure insanity. People want five or they want nothing. People may think, 'Well, if one doesn't sell well, it doesn't make sense to make another four,' but that's just silly talk, those people don't know what they're talking about. Instead of $300 worth of 'Sucker Punch,' five figures would bring it to nice $750 - 800, and that's what the people want. They want it because I type that they want it. What I type goes! End of!

You are making to much sense man.:pfft:This is HT's we are talking about.logic doesn't apply. They are here to make the toys we deserve.:monkey1
Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Not me.

As long as it's top quality, bring it. New or Reissue. Keep it coming. :hi5:
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Just keep making Iron Man figs and i'll be happy. :chase :lol
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Nope, not me either, I think they're awesome. It doesn't bother me one bit that they have a few well-serviced licenses going - IM, Bats, Preds - I'm just happy they're at least making as many other cool figures as I am able to, or want to, afford :)

Go Hot Toys!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Nope, not me either, I think they're awesome. It doesn't bother me one bit that they have a few well-serviced licenses going - IM, Bats, Preds - I'm just happy they're at least making as many other cool figures as I am able to, or want to, afford :)

Go Hot Toys!
Agreed! :exactly:

I've loved their stuff ever since I discovered HT a few years ago, & before doing so - I had little interest at all in 1/6 figures. Their overall quality & realism, & the fact that they were making gob smackingly good versions of my fave characters, just won me over fairly immediately.

It's all good as long as I stick to my budget. I've only got a short wishlist anyway, so I'm never going to go broke buying these.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

The only 1/6 figures I knew of last time were of military figures and that did not interest me one bit.
But once I discovered HT, my world was suckered and I became a HT crack addict...
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Since I collect both statues and figures I don't mind at all. I like HT products, I don't have a big collection like other members here have, but the figures I own I really like and I appreciate their high quality. There are some HT figures that I'm interested in getting in the future as well.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

For a long time I admired the quality of Hot Toys figures, but they had licenses I wasn't interested in. Now that they're getting licenses I want (Marvel!) I'm sure not going to turn down the barrage of new figures. Just have to pick and choose.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

It was Hot Toys Godfather which set me on the path to 1/6 and have not looked back, even selling my GF PF, because it was dogs hit compared to HT. I do think they overdo it on the IM line, for me personally. I enjoy pairing, i.e., MkV with whiplash, Mk VI with War Machine, Mk IIIi BD with Ironmonger. But all the super secret double probation versions seem indulgent. But they know if they keep making them fans will buy.