DouglasMcc said:Okay, not sure if the Polanski part was aimed at my comments. I was not saying that what he did was acceptable. If he had sex with a 13 year old girl, which I would assume he did, since he ran, then he deserved to be punished. And, if this was either forced or coerced intercourse, it's that much worse. However, I still see a conceptual difference between forced and consensual. Consensual is still a crime, and it's still deserving of punishment ... but I, personally, would not group it in the same league as forcefully sodomizing a child.
So, what has the general consensus been concerning the Polanski case?
Apparently he is an *******.Viking28 said:So why does everyone hate Bay? Sorry don't know.
Darklord Dave said:Why hate Bay? Aside from the fact that the majority of his movies suck? I don't know him personally but have it on good authority that he is a true ******.
He would say that he is a perfectionist who doesn't tolerate incompetence, but if Kubrick and Spielberg can turn out the movies they do without screaming in everyone's face and firing anyone who doesn't jump quick enough when you bark, then Bay has no excuse for behaving like he does.
BadMoon said:Dave I will have to agree with you. I seen him on that "On the Lot" show on Fox. The way he talked down to some of the people really rubbed me the wrong way. I can only imagine how he may talk to some of his employees.