Is it Possible to Fit Classic Armor on a Super Pred???

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Super Freak
Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
Any customizers try fitting "regular" preds armor onto super preds yet? Im wondering if it fits. More specifically Im wondering if I can get the Chopper armor to fit on a beserker body. Id have tried it myself but I dont YET own the chopper armor and nor will I if it doesnt fit.
super predator bodies are much bulkier than the old AVP predator bodies. so its a no go.. unless you alter the chopper armor in some way to accommodate the larger and wider super predator body.
It will be too narrow across the chest, waist and legs... it will look too small even if adapted, just because of the extra height. I needed extesive mods to get the original armour to fit my Elder pred 2 custom using a Falconer body.
Because the AVP armour covers so much of the body is there any real point using the super pred body? I have a Beserker body which I am going to use for a Narin styled custom in the New Year (Hunt for Hunt predator) as much of the extra musculature will be on show.
The newer preds (shadow and classic) look like they have almost the same sizing and build as the super-preds, Im wondering if they will have the same issue of if its more of an optical illusion???
The newer preds (shadow and classic) look like they have almost the same sizing and build as the super-preds, Im wondering if they will have the same issue of if its more of an optical illusion???

The newer Preds are not the same sizing as the Supers. The size is closer to the older Pred bodies, except the legs are a little bulkier. The torso, arms, and shoulder area is a good deal smaller than the Supers.
nope, unless you modify each armor one by one. its fat guy in a little coat principle. :]
