Super Freak
I've been debating getting into the SW PF's and I'm also another Marvel PF/everything collector.
My first Sideshow pieces where actually the 12" guys with ROTJ Luke, Bespin Han, both Anakins Sith and Reg, Obi-Wan Kenobi OTJ , Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Leia as Boushh and soon the Storm Troopers/Sand Trooper along with Vader and Lando. Oh also have the Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight on pre-order.
Still wanting out of the 12" family, Obi-Wan Kenobi: General - Clone Wars, Palpatine/Sidious Figure Set, Luke Skywalker - Rebel Commander - Bespin, Jabba the Hutt, Obi-Wan Kenobi - Episode IV, Mace Windu (I KNOW STILL ALOT OF WANTS)
Also I'm wondering if it would be worth to get the Fetts from the Medicom or wait on the Sideshow versions if it's every going to happen. I wish SS would come out with a Royal Guard version, that would be saweeet!!!!
I recently got the Anakin PF and I'm in love with that piece, it's one of my favorites, just amazing likeness.
So it seems that I'm all ready deep into the SW line with the 12", I want to build up my PF collection and my first go getters would have to be Vader, Grevious, Fett, Maul, Old Ben and the Scout Biker last maybe the Dagobah Luke & Yoda, since it's the biggest and I don't know who in the world I could hide that away from my fiance. LOL
I know it's a long road for me and lots of $$$ but I really want a quality SW collection.
My first Sideshow pieces where actually the 12" guys with ROTJ Luke, Bespin Han, both Anakins Sith and Reg, Obi-Wan Kenobi OTJ , Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Leia as Boushh and soon the Storm Troopers/Sand Trooper along with Vader and Lando. Oh also have the Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight on pre-order.
Still wanting out of the 12" family, Obi-Wan Kenobi: General - Clone Wars, Palpatine/Sidious Figure Set, Luke Skywalker - Rebel Commander - Bespin, Jabba the Hutt, Obi-Wan Kenobi - Episode IV, Mace Windu (I KNOW STILL ALOT OF WANTS)
Also I'm wondering if it would be worth to get the Fetts from the Medicom or wait on the Sideshow versions if it's every going to happen. I wish SS would come out with a Royal Guard version, that would be saweeet!!!!
I recently got the Anakin PF and I'm in love with that piece, it's one of my favorites, just amazing likeness.
So it seems that I'm all ready deep into the SW line with the 12", I want to build up my PF collection and my first go getters would have to be Vader, Grevious, Fett, Maul, Old Ben and the Scout Biker last maybe the Dagobah Luke & Yoda, since it's the biggest and I don't know who in the world I could hide that away from my fiance. LOL
I know it's a long road for me and lots of $$$ but I really want a quality SW collection.