The point I was making, was not that Hot Toy figures should cost less on the secondary market than at retail.. but that a 'new'(ie. the retail packaging has never been opened) toy on the secondary market, normally cost more than a displayed toy on the secondary market.
Therefore if you buy a figure on the secondary market that is advertised as new and so you pay extra for that, you do not want to receive a figure that has clearly been displayed ..because the secondary market price for displayed figures is normally lower (all prices referred to are secondary market prices).. hope that clarifies the issue.
In a perfect world, yes, you'd be right.
However, there are people who think that "hot toys is hot toys, so it's worth gold, period". and Unfortuantely, there seems to be more of that mentality than common sense.
Like the guy a few months ago who had a broken Hot toys Iron man Mark 5, with no additional accessores ( main body, fists, one head), demanding 3x original retail becuase " even though it's loose, and the arm is broke, and has no accessories, it's still rare."
And when I offered the guy 100$, he LITERALY told to to " stuff the lowball offer up my *** and go **** myself"
TL;DR : Too many people have an overinflated idea of what HT figures are worth, in any condition. Including Hot toys themsevles these days
So my Advice to OP is this. Set YOURSELF a price you're willing to pay and shop around. concern yourself more with completeness than being unopened. you're going to open it and display it anyways yourself.
and if you're not, you're likely in the wrong hobby.