Good question, welcome to licensed manufacturing and big company businessmen. They can claim whatever the hell they want, what are you going to do about it? They know 99% of people will take this claim at face value, think they care about guys like me that know better? And when I tried to bring it up, HCG flamed me (and made an ass of himself), the thread was locked down, I was warned not to start it up again and now it's forgotten and people are still posting new threads like this one about this piece being straight from the molds.
I received a prototype of this piece months ago for a review on my site and I sent my initial thoughts for the review to HCG. HCG asked me not to publish this on my site LOL!
The only thing that is not sculpted for this piece is the helmet... John Rosengrant has the only surviving helmet from P1, but it's a stunt bio that was never even used in the film. HCG had this stunt piece recast and that is where the mold comes from for this wallmount thing. You will notice that ALL the details on the helmet are not screen accurate... no ribbing on the temple piece, 2 hose ports instead of 3, the cheek port is wrong and there's a few other details.
And that cannon... Hahaha good god. It's NOTHING like the one from the movie, the only thing accurate is the general shape and it ends there. All you have to do is look at the nice shots of the cannon in Stan's book of the suit just after it was done right outside the SWS shop and compare that to this cannon. It's not even close.