I posted this now, because the outcome was just told to me recently by Dax.
No "I told you so's" here. I edited my original post upon reconsideration, as it
didn't strike the tone I wanted at all. Hasty/angry post = bad tone. It does
happen to people sometimes.
I'm not shooting comments directly at ANYBODY, but if some others choose
to take cheap shots and bash, that is their deal I guess. No reason to though.
I had no personal interest in the auction, other than getting the Hell bashed
out of me here for saying the seller was likely a scammer. The auction showed
all the signs, and many still seemed to be fine with it even though we'd seen
this type of thing before, and warned people to be wary then with no problem.
The original winner didn't post, as they're pretty upset about the outcome, as
anybody would be. Sucks to win something, only to have the deal go sour.
I'm hoping it can be seen as a tale of what to be wary of or what to avoid,
which is the same thing that said originally.