Its time for the next Joe!

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Oh, I don't know. They did a pretty good job updating her for the "new sculpt" era.


I think Sideshow could do a pretty good job.

She's supposed to be some kind of supermodel so I'm looking forward to the headsculpt! They'd better not giver her a wacky expression or anything this time.

:confused: She went from looking like a lesbo to a full blown tranny? :lol
I hope this is next on Sideshow's plate from their list of confirms


Cobra Commander (Helmet/more cartoon look)
Honestly, I would probably pass on a Cover Girl. Scarlett and Lady J are the two main, female Joes, with distinctive looks and personalities. Cover Girl is just some supposedly good-looking chick who drives a tank.

And for that reason I'm thrilled that SSC is including her in the line-up. She harkens back to a simpler, more militaristic era for GI Joe. When "Chick Tank Driver" all the flash needed to stand out from the others. Scarlett is definitely tops but I'll take CG over LJ in a heartbeat!
Yeah, they seem to have an interesting strategy of mixing things up a bit--more Bradstreet design for some, more classic design for others, completely new interpretation for some (hopefully very few). But I do wonder how a figure as little known as Cover Girl would do. She was never a big part of the comics or cartoon, and her figure was never extremely popular either, from what I know. Maybe she has more recognition now because of her part in the live action film, though.
I'm fine with SS giving us an offering or two that I won't bite on... not planning on being a completest anyway. I'll pick up the core Cobra characters and the Joe characters that I liked most as a kid.

Super happy to hear about Roadblock and Gung Ho who are both two of my all time favorites.:rock
Yeah, they seem to have an interesting strategy of mixing things up a bit--more Bradstreet design for some, more classic design for others, completely new interpretation for some (hopefully very few). But I do wonder how a figure as little known as Cover Girl would do. She was never a big part of the comics or cartoon, and her figure was never extremely popular either, from what I know. Maybe she has more recognition now because of her part in the live action film, though.

Fair enough. I don't understand guys who get boners over Flint either. :dunno:p
Hey, you want your pretty "model" dollies and naked Elvira statues? Power to you. I'm not judging. Just making an observation, and being a "realist."

And if you don't collect male military dolls, and think that people who do are gay, then what are you doing hanging out with those kinds of people in the GI Joe section of the forum?
Hey, you want your pretty "model" dollies and naked Elvira statues? Power to you. I'm not judging. Just making an observation, and being a "realist."

And if you don't collect male military dolls, and think that people who do are gay, then what are you doing hanging out with those kinds of people in the GI Joe section of the forum?

:lol Feel better? :lol