In a word, yes.
In a word, yes.
josh...the movies are nothing like the stories though other than some names, some of the ideas, etc....everything in the stories, including the main character, feel different. there is some nice reading in REH's stuff.
For you and a handful of others I'm sure. I would venture to guess with most fantasy fans don't feel the same. Even if they do for me thats not the case and really all I care about. I have no interest in reading anything about Conan at all. I find the movies boring almost sucky and the subject matter just seems lame.
his stuff at the end was getting better all the time. red nails and beyond the black river...just wow.
THIS is the reason I said equal to. I knew some knucklehead would pop in and rant about it while being completely ignorant as to Robert's work.
Josh, have you ever read a Robert E. Howard Conan book? If not, bite your tongue. You're like a virgin giving sex advice.REH's world is just as colorful as anything JRT put to paper. The only reason the man hasn't received the critical acclaim of JRT is because he put a gun in his mouth and ended it (he was only in his 30's I believe) because of his mother's death.
Well there is no hobbit on hobbit man love going on in Howards Conan, but there is some pretty good fantasy. He created a large realistic world and interesting characters and great adventure tales of a character that does not give up against anything.
Well, I guess I'm a knucklehead then for not agreeing.I'm not ignorant to the topic but never read a complete novel cause what I did read I thought was bleh. Nothing about it pulled me into the story and made me care about wtf was going on.
Are you sure it was Howard's Conan you read and not some of the lame newer authors? I tried getting into the newer books by other authors and it was very much as you described (like dating a Hollywood look-a-like. Kinda cool at first glance but falls apart upon closer inspection and nothing like banging the real thing). If not, I'd urge you to give one of Howard's works a try. If you're still disappointed, check your pulse.![]()
Conan the Conqueror, being the only complete novel he wrote, is arguably the best in the series.
I'm almost 99% sure it was. I think I was a senior or so in HS so its been a while. I've got no problem giving it another go at somepoint. I'm actually a pretty damn open minded person.