Insufferable S.O.B.
If they just glued the berret on like Indy's hats would anyone have batted an eye?
The pale lips. But lips are easy to paint. Something they should have gotten right. . .
If they just glued the berret on like Indy's hats would anyone have batted an eye?
The lips are my biggest nit. He seems cold or something and they are painted too full like Anakin's were.
The thing about the hair is there is no definition in it. It looks like its just a plain buzz cut. Not to mention the blending at the hair line.
Andy has sculpted them and we all know he is a master.
I'm trying to think of some recent human figure I got from SS. I thought Lando looked good.
It's almost as though they don't know what to do with a face that doesn't have non-human detail.
How many times have you made that exact post over the last week?
Deeznutz6 said:Alll the haters, if you didnt spend any money on him, STFU
The bigger question is, did you even buy Flint??
Alll the haters, if you didnt spend any money on him, STFU