Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
Don't like how there's been hardly any clips or posters featuring Bones.
It goes Kirk, Spock & then McCoy
It goes Kirk, Spock & then McCoy

Don't like how there's been hardly any clips or posters featuring Bones.
Let me guess. Regarding Cumberbatch's character.
Yup, and in fairness I sorta went looking for 'it' and *******, saw more than I should have
So he is Khan, then! They got some 'splainin to do. He doesn't look or sound ANYTHING like Ricardo Montalban....then again neither does Chris Pine look or sound anything like Shatner
Tell me about it....! Forget the fact that.....he looks nothing like R.M, he acts NOTHING like the original character either. He's way too calm for starters.....the whole Khan thing is so played out in my mind already, but I am bummed out he's just not some normal dude with a serious frakking grudge. Going the Khan route is LAME. What surprises me the most if the fact they didn't try to cast a minority actor. Pine is different than Shat, but he's not that different. Uhura is still black and Sulu is still Asian - sure, he changed nationalities but you should cast talent first. But Pasty white dude Khan sounds pretty off
You're right, the fact he acts nothing like the original Khan is a more significant thing. His appearance and voice being different could actually be explained pretty easily in the Trek-verse but how do they explain a total personality change. I dunno..we'll see
**** just read all the spoilers myself... Hmmm, I will reserve judgement...but...
Revives a tribble with magic Khan blood?
Tell me about it....! Forget the fact that.....he looks nothing like R.M, he acts NOTHING like the original character either. He's way too calm for starters.....the whole Khan thing is so played out in my mind already, but I am bummed out he's just not some normal dude with a serious frakking grudge. Going the Khan route is LAME. What surprises me the most if the fact they didn't try to cast a minority actor. Pine is different than Shat, but he's not that different. Uhura is still black and Sulu is still Asian - sure, he changed nationalities but you should cast talent first. But Pasty white dude Khan sounds pretty off