J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness

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Well Simon, I'm pretty sure all George Lucas wanted was to make three Star Wars prequel films that people could enjoy and you know how that worked out. Yeah, they were $h!t, as you have no qualms about saying. As with Star Wars, people expect more from Star Trek.
Well Simon, I'm pretty sure all George Lucas wanted was to make three Star Wars prequel films that people could enjoy and you know how that worked out. Yeah, they were $h!t, as you have no qualms about saying. As with Star Wars, people expect more from Star Trek.

That really applies to US Star Trek/Canada Star Trek Fans. If that poll was taken in any other country it would be way way different
Pegg is a moron; usually a funny one. The 2009 one, though involving time travel AGAIN, at least brought a fresh approach and an alternate timeline that seemed ripe with potential. I never thought they were going to cash in the sequel with a very poor-man's version of "Wrath of Khan" where CGI took center stage instead of performances. Or at least have it be completely different than Wrath of Khan. Don't try to do an alternate version of the classic storyline. Just do something completely new. Of course, this alternate timeline is like an albatross around their neck. Had they kept Nimoy out of 2009's film and just created their own Trek, there may be even less outcry from the fanbase. But this release on video is absurd. Already companies have been distributing bare bones initial releases to only come back months down the road with a collector's edition. Double and triple dipping and screwing over of the consumer's. Prometheus is a good example. They had like 2 versions out, but only the 3D version had the complete bonus features. I bought it and I don't even have a 3D tv. They need to offer two versions...3D and non-3D. No exclusives, no bare bones. Just two versions for the two type of displays, each having the same content.
Awful thing they're doing on the STID blu-ray release. I skipped on the first Avengers release for a similar reason, it had incomplete special features that were only available later with the expensive box set version.
I don't know if a complete version of STID will be released later, so I'll have to look through the different versions and pick the best value.
very late watcher here. non Star Trek fanatic... was ok IMO .. was missing somehow to see different planets and aliens.. but most of the movie was playing on ships...
Just seen this and i really enjoyed it, didn't realise Spock was that BA tho, would love a next generation style movie as that's what i grew up watching
Well. I could honestly make a better Star Trek movie.


I'm a genius.
Honestly, if you take away the Kahn thing and the Spock/Kirk role reversal, and pretty much leave everything else, the movie could be perfect.

So yeah, I can pitch a better movie.
Honestly, if you take away the Kahn thing and the Spock/Kirk role reversal, and pretty much leave everything else, the movie could be perfect.

So yeah, I can pitch a better movie.


"Is the ship safe," instead of Spock's original line from TWOK.

Oh and I said this before, the main villain wasn't Khan but one of his followers. :monkey1
No Stathams were harmed in the making of this transporter video:
Got mine in the mail today. I'm a ST fan and I love the movie. That's all that matters to me. Can't wait for #3.