Well, the movie is apparently finished and will be flash frozen until the release, so I guess we won't we seeing any R5s of this! Damn!!
I was hoping one would show up soon. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait until May!!!! I'm going along with Kevin Smith's reviews that this will ^^^^ing rock!!!! He loved Watchmen and this, so I guess he can't be that bad of a reviewer!!
Story from Firstshowing.net:
J.J. Abrams' Star Trek is Nearly Finished and Ready to Go!
I've been and "old school" "Trekkie", or "Trekker" since I first saw the original series in re-runs back in 1975 on TV when I was only 4 years-old. Star Trek was the very first TV show I remember watching! So, needless to say I've been obsessed with it for nearly my entire life up to now. I'm excited about J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. My only complaint, if you can even call it that, was that a short cameo couldn't be worked out for William Shatner as Kirk in it. I am still backing this new movie 100%!![]()
I've been and "old school" "Trekkie", or "Trekker" since I first saw the original series in re-runs back in 1975 on TV when I was only 4 years-old. Star Trek was the very first TV show I remember watching! So, needless to say I've been obsessed with it for nearly my entire life up to now. I'm excited about J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. My only complaint, if you can even call it that, was that a short cameo couldn't be worked out for William Shatner as Kirk in it. I am still backing this new movie 100%!![]()
I've been and "old school" "Trekkie", or "Trekker" since I first saw the original series in re-runs back in 1975 on TV when I was only 4 years-old. Star Trek was the very first TV show I remember watching! So, needless to say I've been obsessed with it for nearly my entire life up to now. I'm excited about J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. My only complaint, if you can even call it that, was that a short cameo couldn't be worked out for William Shatner as Kirk in it. I am still backing this new movie 100%!![]()
You know though, after a while you just have to stop with the cameos before it just gets silly. Almost every movie and series someone from the old series shows up somewhere, somehow. As much as I love all of Star Trek, it would be nice if they just started fresh with this.
If done right cameo's are a great tip of the hat to the original actors, but when they play characters that SOMEONE else played on the original series, that's just crap.
Wow....that looks SO out of "tune" with what I know and love about Star Trek and especially the original series. I guess it's an attempt to reboot and gain a younger crowd while clinging to hope that the original Trek crowd will just "like" whatever they are given.
Here's the new trailer that's being shown during the Super Bowl.
<EMBED src=https://www.youtube.com/v/m6Ii4YPZ7nw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>
Wow....that looks SO out of "tune" with what I know and love about Star Trek and especially the original series. I guess it's an attempt to reboot and gain a younger crowd while clinging to hope that the original Trek crowd will just "like" whatever they are given.