Super Freak
Re: New Mary Jane Comiquette?
Really? I can imagine it being something like 1500 Reg's & 500 Ex's
Really? I can imagine it being something like 1500 Reg's & 500 Ex's
Really? I can imagine it being something like 1500 Reg's & 500 Ex's
I'm just figuring ss knows that sex sells even if yhe character isn't popular
So SS showed us a production peek on Superman Man of Steel like two weeks ago and now is on PO ... I know I know the movie is out in a few days. They showed us production peek on MJ ages ago ( March) and since then no word...WTF??
It's all guessing like you said but I'm pretty confident Spiderman will be there. I don't think SS will want to show him off until SDCC they seem to like to save the big ones for that event.
This being my first SDCC as a collector I don't know what to expect really. When will all the pics start coming up, and will there be lots of orders during the 2 weeks?? I know I am showing my rookie here, but I totally admit I am getting super excited.
Spidey, pm me details of your trip. I might go and I'm curious on the cost. I wish SS made it out here to the TO Expo.
This being my first SDCC as a collector I don't know what to expect really. When will all the pics start coming up, and will there be lots of orders during the 2 weeks?? I know I am showing my rookie here, but I totally admit I am getting super excited.
Pictures normally start appearing a few days before the event. From the sneaked picture's of staff unboxing and preparing there displays then the pictures flood in
Your going to love it.
Lol... Well I will miss the first few days is my guess... I will literally be in the middle of the forest down a river with NO cellphone service at my wife's cottage...lol
I think you will be alright, what they do put up for preorder probably won't sell out right away.