LOL.......more like 1500 .
This is gonna sell fast. I reckon Cap America and MJ will sell out faster than anything from this years Comic Con
Keep saying it will sell fast and they will up the edition number and price...
It all depends on Captain America's ES. I can't imagine it being small. I'm guessing he will have the same ES as the Comic Superman PF. He's a huge Marvel character & SS know he will sell.
I guess the EX with this Spidey line is going to be a print's
Damn .... I know they are comiquettes but the Ex being just prints I am not a fan of. That being said I am still buying all three Spidey Cq's. Def am buying the Cap PF/Red Skull and possibly Planet Hulk, Apoc and Cat Woman. I am on the fence with Cat woman but at $180 I think its a must have.
I've decided all three are a must. This will be a set that's talked about for a while.
I said this before Chaps... Who is No. 2 behind me.. No. 1!
each time I look at her I like her more
I hate the freckles. I hope there is a freckle delete option. If not, I'll be removing mine. Also, with freckles, each piece will be more unique than any other statue. I find it difficult to believe that every face will be the same, unless they make a form fitting rubber stencil for it.The freckles on her makes this piece. Hope she goes up for order soon.
I of course will be getting this along with the other matching pieces to make a set, but if I have one nitpick, it's that the hair is to flat and could use some more detail I thinks. other than that its a homerun imo.![]()
I think this is beautiful. I feel like its old school ss with a flair of crwativity, good sculpting, and comic art inspired.