Wow the EX has a very limited ES: only 150.
Newsletter said go on waitlist now, but product page does not show sold out
Wow a modern major PF with a low run. I'm surprised :O
Wow the EX has a very limited ES: only 150.
Newsletter said go on waitlist now, but product page does not show sold out
Wow a modern major PF with a low run. I'm surprised :O
Wow the EX has a very limited ES: only 150.
Newsletter said go on waitlist now, but product page does not show sold out
Apparently not many people pre-ordered this statue. I am on the fence, statue looks good, but not a big fan of the movie.
Wow what a low ES! I thought this was open ES so I never placed my PO...just jumped on the WL.
That is a small edition number!
I just got on the list tonight... lets see if mine converts.