God I remember when I used to drink up anything Jackie made in late 80's early 90's. I watched Police Story, Big Brawl, Meals on Wheels and Armour Of God repeatedly. I then started getting into hong kong cinema in a big way. Watched anything I could get my hands on. Some were absolute dog**** but didn't stop me from finding some positives in it all. Some hidden gems too.
Started going to cinema screenings where possible. Saw rumble in the bronx when a catonese friend of mine Kevin gave me a bootleg tape of it from hong kong. Luckily there were subtitles and some of it was english anyway. Took ages to be released overseas but it must have watched it at least 5 times in one weekend before he took the tape back. I still went to the cinema to watch it though. I also went to a midnight screening of First Strike too. It was the only showing they were going to do so had no choice.
I remember getting my hands on an early copy of fist of legend with Jet Li too. It was released by Hong Kong Legends and they even spelt his name wrong on the VHS cover (Lee). I flipping loved that time, I tried to collect as many JC videos as I could and still have them in my attic. Can't bear to part with them yet.
FYI try not to watch blu ray versions of the films. It's too clear and the camera speed is too obvious. Makes the fight scenes look like they are is fast forward most of the time. A bit of motion blur does those movies the world of good.