There was noithing written in I, II, and III, for anyone to act to. And making Jedis out to be like vulcans made it so that even someone as charismatic as Samuel L. Jackson come off like wet cardboard. It was poo poor writing and not the actors, or at least we will never know because of the writing whether they were good or not. I hate these movies though so I will move on...
My feelings are that people who are perfectly cast in a role, and that role is of the innocent, naive, sometimes whiny, hero who has to grow into a being hero as per the character development... like Frodo and Sam, or Luke Skywalker for instance, usually have very unrewarding careers after the fact.
But the people who play the rogue, scoundrel, or savy but rough around the edges characters... go on to great careers. Like Han Solo or Aragorn. Pancakes have to have salt in them or there is just no dimension to the taste.
That is one of the reasons that Spiderman endures as a character. Once he becomes Spiderman, he becomes a wise-@ss and is more in control of situations, gets a little fagetaboutit in him. Peter Parker as a character alone is someone that we would forget after the movie was over.