Freaked Out
Lookin' good IMO! What part do you think is lacking to keep it from looking like Brosnan?
Lookin' good IMO! What part do you think is lacking to keep it from looking like Brosnan?
Lookin' good IMO! What part do you think is lacking to keep it from looking like Brosnan?
Well, first thing is when painted the sculpt looks kinda older comparing to the unpainted one. Just look on that area around the mouth and those bags under eyes. We can see them before paint but they just light up thanks to the color and shading. Maybe I'm thinking about younger Brosnan like "Die another day" one but I've never seen his face in that condition.
Also, nose is too big I think. It got bigger in recent years but still it's not that potatoey.
Last thing - lips. But not sure here, need a better picture and then I'll say something particular. Just feeling weird about them.
Maybe I'm just overthinking stuff. Not the first time.
Looks like the Feng sculpt I believeI think it was done by someone in Hong Kong and is not for sale (a' la Beastmaster)
The eyebrows are a little heavy, but otherwise it looks as good as the top Craigs that have come out.
Here are more pix.
Yeah my one complaint about the BBkill Brosnan is that he does look a bit too old up close, even for his appearance in Die Another Day. But it's still a great likeness I think, and a more realistic sculpt than the more stylized Inigou head.
And plus it comes closer to Brosnan's look in the latter three movies which I prefer anyway, when he was starting to look a bit more mature and distinguished (and less like just Remington Steele in a tuxedo, like he did in Goldeneye).