When you put in a bid, regardless of the amount, the "current bid" will always be as low as necessary to simply surpass the previous high bid or the listing's starting price.
I'm sorry if this is just remedial info, but this is how eBay auction-style bidding has always worked:
For example, if an auction starts without any bids and a $1 ask and you place a bid at $500, the current high bid will be yours at $1.00. If no one else bids and the auction ends, you'll win at $1 if there is no reserve. If someone else bids anything under $500, they will automatically be outbid. Example, they bid $50 and will automatically be outbid at $50.01(or maybe it's exactly their bid amount, so $50) - you remain the high bidder. If they bid $499.99 you'll still be the current high bidder. Even if they bid $500, you'll still be the high bidder with $500 as you submitted your bid first.