I'm totally with you there, I religiously bought 2000AD every week without fail as a boy & teenager, I bought the Judge Dredd magazine too..., I was only interested in Judge Dredd, awesome character!!! When Stallone did Dredd I was hopeful for a few minutes into the film, the part where he busts a guy for saving his own ass & telling him he had the legal option of jumping to his death, totally Dredd..., after that it all went down hill & I disliked it that much I even stopped buying the comics (they'd totally ruined the character for me)..., roll on the new Dredd movie & OMG!!! Nailed it, loved it, want a sequel & motivated me to buy the comics again.
Sorry, not Star Wars I know but I got what you were saying..., although I appreciated more of the story, the pretrilogy has nothing on the original trilogy, ESB is my favourite movie ever & I can't see that any of the new movies will compete with 70s/80s Star Wars (even with the original cast in them). For me Qui Gon was the best thing pretrilogy wise, other characters were good but still others were disappointing, Maul's demise was underwhelming at best, Dooku was far too easily killed & then there's Anakin, one of the worst actors in the whole trilogy, thank god he only got episodes II & III, totally ruined both movies & until they did the Clone Wars series, my most hated character..., loved him in the animated series of course but it helped it was someone else voicing the role (I think)..., ok I'm going to shut up now as I could rant all day. lol