toyadventurer,Mando, thanks.
I only try to enhance what detail the sculpt provides. I felt the likeness was better once the stock paint had been removed. Just went to work trying to make the skin tones as close to Stathams as possible, as well as showing the darker/lighter areas in his hair where the stubble is thicker around the sides & back & slightly darker sideburns. The sculpt material really is amazing stuff. I wish it were more commonly used. I only stripped the head, clear coated it then added details
LordAzrael, looks great! I like that yours has driving gloves. Also like the cut of the suit. I really think the Loading head is possibly the definitive Statham sculpt avail. right now
BTW, my Hawks won last night, woo hoo AFL
If I get my grubby mitts on another head, I'm gonna do him up as Monk from Mean Machine