Jazzinc Dioramas 1/6 Ultimate Catwoman (Batman Returns, 1992)

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Which three of these four should be part of the Clean DX set?

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How did the “Neutral” sculpt lose bad both on here and on Facebook…? Kudos to JazzInc, but it even isn’t as neutral and “boring” as most are making it seem, there’s definitely some level of pensive emotion behind it. The “Neutral” portrait paired with her hips kicked out and posed well would look badass yet “sexy”/feminine. Or how she’s depicted here in these promo stills.

Always essential to have a neutral sculpt with any Standard set. I don’t understand how it’s in last place – oh wait, I know why, it’s cause most collectors are tired of “boring” neutral expressions. I’m sorry, but there’s a reason why those “boring” sculpts are usually the go-to, they’re the most versatile and base portrait that can work in most poses and it’s more of a natural state, and to reiterate, this particular neutral sculpt isn’t even as neutral and straight faced.

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Assuming it’s flexible enough to do it, someone’s going to have to make a video tutorial of the proper movie-accurate way to wrap her whip around her body, or maybe @JazzInc can include it in the written instructions for the figure :)
We could very much get the 2 sculpts that come last in the polls, it all depends on how much budget can be increased by pre-orders.

Nothing is actually set in stone yet outside of the pre-order launch editions. I can't imagine they will garner a small interest in this release, they will no doubt gain a lot of pre-orders which will only help add extras to certain versions.
How can one confidently say that? JazzInc doesn’t even know what’s going to ship out..

Hot Toys has a better idea on final product due to their consistency of releasing product and use of factories. The changes that get made aren’t because the assembly line screwed up but rather conscious design choices, good or bad.

The truth of the matter is this factory is new to JazzInc, they may have produced figures before, that we’re not privy to. This is a complex character to tackle first figure in, there’s a reason it hasn’t been done.

Here, we’re talking about a complete night and day difference between prototype and production, that much is guaranteed, whether those differences are for the better, we don’t know and won’t until many months after the order is placed.

I read all that and I think, what must Joost be thinking when he reads a rant by a kid online on how his business model can't work.

I guess I have more faith. One thing's certain: we will both see this through to the end and then we'll both know.
With JazzInc, the continuous tinkering is fine, on his vehicles, not necessarily figures.

With the vehicles like he’s stated himself, it’s pretty straightforward regarding accuracy. The more funds and time he has to work on a vehicle, the more accurate he’s able to make it. Therefore there typically isn’t a real worry about him steering accuracy in the wrong direction unless something is addressed too late and he’s used his resources.

With figures there’s a lot more variation in what can make or break. If the faceplates don’t sit naturally, if the rolling eyes are Hot Toys equivalent circa 2017, InArt Ledger. If the production paint apps are subpar to the competitors, if the body doesn’t faithfully reflect her proportions, if the magnetic base isn’t strong enough.

All of these things he has to figure out, and quickly. He didn’t have to figure out how to make an accurate ‘89 Batmobile, he sourced as much reference and help from the crew as he could. His work load was bringing it all together which granted, is no easy feat.

I’m not saying InArt set out to upset people,
I’m saying modifications that far out is asking for a divide. Especially when they’re made unbeknownst to the paying customer, only told and shown afterwards. What if the majority didn’t like their updated sculpt, but you did, so they scrapped it and landed on a less accurate likeness. That would rub you the wrong way, wouldn’t it? Any collectible that takes a grand of your money and forces you to wait over two years in the dark is an issue, don’t care what brand. I do appreciate them telling us they’ve done it as opposed to finding the surprise for better or worse later on after having paid in full awaiting shipment.

Updates are nice if they actually help the product, but time and time again it’s proven to be Russian roulette.

Not a soul asked for the texture update on HT ‘89 Keaton 2.0, but we got it anyways, despite it never being solicited in the promotional material.

I’m not saying JazzInc shouldn’t update their product throughout the PO stage up until production, I’m saying it’s muddy waters regarding what’s to be done.

Transparency will be his key through these updates, even though most of the time he won’t get a straight answer out of us and it may ultimately delay the product.

That kind of communication eases the blow a bit of all of the guess work we’re having to do - to an extent, you need to know what your company envisions for your product, it’s ok to use us as tools, but not the driving force.

With this being the first figure, it’s best that he gets our insight and thoughts instead of ignoring them completely.

I believe we should all be able to vote later on once we see the updated body, once we see expressions as faceplates, how they sit, once we see the quality of rolling eyes he lands on, how much of a gap between them, how they affect the overall likeness. That’s when the polls ultimately matter. Use them when you’re a bit more deep into it and truly needing our help.
I read all that and I think, what must Joost be thinking when he reads a rant by a kid online on how his business model can't work.

I guess I have more faith. One thing's certain: we will both see this through to the end and then we'll both know.
Be thankful I have the audacity to ask tough questions at the expense of losing cool points on a forum. I’m like this with every company, can’t you tell?

How many more people does he need to confirm something looks good, that isn’t going to help this release.
I know. But I didn't hear you asking anything. What is it you're asking?
I suppose you didn’t read the thoughts I laid out.

I have loads of questions, questions I know Joost doesn’t have the answers to yet.

They’re still worth asking, one could argue they’re integral at this stage. These questions we’re all asking has put rolling eyes on the table.
I suppose you didn’t read the thoughts I laid out.

I did, but what are your questions?

I have loads of questions, questions I know Joost doesn’t have the answers to yet.

What specific questions though?

If they're just concerns, fears, OCD worries -- will the suit be tight enough, will the eyes work, will they be the right color, will we get face plates, will the factory painters be able to paint, will Hong Kong be taken over tomorrow -- that seems like par for the course in this hobby, but you really have to pick your battles, I suppose.

Can you not whittle your concerns down to 3-4 questions that actually could be addressed?

And no insult but I don't think your insistence on rolling eyes was the determining factor on them being back on the table. Nor more than my opinion that the licking sculpt should go inspired a vote (and yes, I know the licking is in the top 3 on the vote, sadly).
And no insult but I don't think your insistence on rolling eyes was the determining factor on them being back on the table. Nor more than my opinion that the licking sculpt should go inspired a vote (and yes, I know the licking is in the top 3 on the vote, sadly).
I said “these questions we’re all asking put them on the table” it wasn’t Facebook, they want multiple sculpts. It was all of us and the prospect that his budget will allow for them.

We were adamant on him not completely ruling them out. Do you need to revisit the countless pages prior of the numerous people pleading for them? There’s likely a good 20-40 pages dedicated to them.

Concerns are questions, why wouldn’t you be concerned if you want the product to live up to its full potential. If you’re content with the prototype paintwork, then you can’t complain about anything from Hot Toys, InArt, or JND as their paint outclasses hers and understandably so.

If we’re to pay $800+ for a two pack, the quality has to live up to the competition.
He’s not in Hot Toys’ position to just throw out a lazy ‘89 2.0 and move on, they release so much product it’s difficult to stay upset over one thing. They certainly have their misses, who’d ever deny that.

Joost needs to hit the target every time, that’s the requirements when you don’t have a monopoly on licenses nor the capital without people showing up for the PO. When you cater to a small crowd, their opinions matter much more.
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Don't put "us all" into your concerns about how a project should or shouldn't go. I'm well aware of what has been posted. What I'm trying to get at is what your main concerns are, and what you could ask Joost directly to do about it.

But, clearly, you have no constructive questions at this time?

This is a serious question and not meant to be mean: why don't you start a run of your own? You know the players, you have the ref, you clearly know what works and what doesn't, so why would you not start a project run for Joker clothes or sculpts or something?
Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie GIF
Don't put "us all" into your concerns about how a project should or shouldn't go. I'm well aware of what has been posted. What I'm trying to get at is what your main concerns are, and what you could ask Joost directly to do about it.

But, clearly, you have no constructive questions at this time?

This is a serious question and not meant to be mean: why don't you start a run of your own? You know the players, you have the ref, you clearly know what works and what doesn't, so why would you not start a project run for Joker clothes or sculpts or something?
Because all of the tailors
(less than a handful)
have been used up.

I’m not the original run organizer to green light a 2.0 from any of them. Believe me, if I could get us accurate Ledger clothes, I’d do it in a heartbeat,
not just for me.

Clearly there are plenty of people that share my same thoughts and concerns regarding this.

Why attempt to change that narrative?

How many people do you need to type
“I’m worried about production painted eyes”, “the prototype eyes look sloppy”, “the neck looks really long”, “the suit texture is off and not smooth enough” , “rolling eyes are going to kill the likeness” All of this is from various people over the last handful of pages? I don’t see what you’re getting at.
Catwoman's eyes look pretty dead to me, on top of the sloppy paint for the eye detail

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Actually these eyes are painted very well. The better and more ideal eyes that you are used to seeing from Hot Toys are decals, they are not factory/hand painted like this or 95% of customs. That said, I do hope Jazzinc uses decals instead for the mass production.
Right now, the thing that's letting this down for me isn't how it looks.. But how static it seems.

Aside from the eyes, I wish the body under the suit wasn't entirely seamless. It seems very restrictive to articulation. I'd like to be able to raise her arm. Get her claw over her head at least.