A little personal observation regarding the difference between looking cool and actually knowing how to use a sword. These guys were at the Wizard World con in Philly this June. Also present were Garrison Carrida from the 501st, including yours truly in full Vader costume and carrying my MR saber. The NY Jedi were set up right next to our table. Anyway, after watching these clowns spar for about 1/2 an hour, I decided to try my hand at them. Keep in mind, the Vader costume restricts mobility and vision considerably( I can't raise my arms above horizontal, and have no peripheral vision). I therefore expected to have a bit of difficulty with these guys, and I did, but not what I expected.
The first challenge was to get someone to face me! The only member of the troop that would answer my challenge was the group leader, who immediately started trying to choreograph our bout. I just shook my head and moved in. We fought 3 matches, and I got through his guard in about 30 seconds each time. I got more of a fight out of a 10 year old who was watching and decided to join the fun( problem with kids; they don't stop!). After our match, he explained that" we fight to entertain". I replied that the Sith fight to win, which he seemed to have a problem with for some reason. He then mentioned, after I described my costume restrictions, that he'd take me out in "a real fight". Sure.
As to the MR sabers, they can actually take a surprising amount of abuse. I wouldn't recommend using one to play baseball, but they will handle controlled sparring pretty well. Pity that Corgi wouldn't renew the license with Lucasfilm...PS