Nice work Jen!!!
lol King
lol King
Jen Rules!!! Great work, really love the Puss as well.
Seriously though, it's nice to see you doing this and I cannot wait to see where you go from here. If you ever need anything... just PM me.
Thanks Josh!! I'm sure I will be needing your advice when my next zombie arrives. I want to do guts and brain matter!!
Thats looks disgusting!!!
You have knack for making them look gross. Very well done!!
They look like they have a really ****ed up case of herpes.
Here's a couple more (with flash ) but it shows the puss better.
OK so who is turned on? Sexy right?!
Great work Jen, How did you get that effect?
Nice (disgusting) customs there, Jen! The sad thing is that your Willow is actually more attractive than the production figure . Are you using the macro function on your camera, by the way?