This diorama was a very interesting piece. It was made inside an old computer monitor. as you look inside the monitor, you see a futuristic warrior in some sort of waste land. It was AWESOME but this was the only good pic that i was able to capture This scene reminded me of the Future War scene in T1 when Reese is sitting down looking at the picture of Sarah Connor before Franco Columbo the Terminator comes in the joint shooting and killing everyone
This piece was absolutely outrageous. It was creative, unique, and incredibly well made. If i had to vote, as strange as it is...and as mesmerized as i was with other models and dios...i would give this piece BEST OF SHOW
absolutely amazing..the Wolfman,Frankenstein busts are killer.Actually everything is so awesome.The Godzilla in this dio is incredible.And do you know where the Harryhausen Hydra was done.Always wanted a Hydra to go along with my Cyclops,Dragon,Ymir and Talos.
Appreciate the photo's Bezzerkerr looks like it was a fun show.