JND Studios: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1:3 Harrison Ford and Sean Connery

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Few more photos. The close-up photo of the holster in hand is the most representative of the actual colour that it appears in person. Not sure why my camera changes the colour tone when I photographed the little mock-up costume display with all the different parts.


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I agree their Arwen was a miss, as were a couple others......but i actually think these Indi ones look solid. Not perfect (JND rarely get it perfect), BUT overall they look pretty good to me face wise. I'm surprised people are so horrified by them.
Latest JND YouTube update is about improvements to the Catwoman base and ‘significant improvements’ to the Christopher Reeve sculpt. They’re going to put new photos up of their Superman.

His ‘as you know, we keep working on improving the statue right up until production’ bit along with the Superman sculpt improvement reveal bodes well for some Indy improvements.
I wonder how hard it would be to modify the left hand to hand the whip, so the right hand could hold the gun?

Does it even come with the gun?

I think I'll get that whip that cking got and try to do the above mod. Have the whip unwound, dangling on the ground, and tuck the bag around further under the jacket as to not obstruct the hand holding the whip.
If you look at the face in detail (and ignore the horrible hat) it's actually very well done. Everything from the bone structure, and anatomy under the skin is very accurate to Ford. Here's a side by side with a photo from Raiders. If they could only make his eyebrows less worried and a bit more determined with wider eyes, I think it would be a real winner (plus he should be more suntanned with slightly lighter colored eyebrows). Let's hope all our faces look as surprised as Belloq's (in the lower part of the right hand photo) when we see the final production piece. LOL

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It's all in the eyebrows. Here's my attempt at adjusting the eyebrows (on the right) compared to the current JND portrait on the left.
They are SOOOOOO very, very close with their portrait. If only they could level off his eyebrows a bit like I've done in the modified photo, I think people would be much more "wowed" by the piece.


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Much like the recent Arwen and other pieces (but not all - looking at you TDK Joker) that have come out, I have a feeling that the production piece will end up looking better than the proto; especially once in hand pictures begin to surface.
It's all in the eyebrows. Here's my attempt at adjusting the eyebrows (on the right) compared to the current JND portrait on the left.
They are SOOOOOO very, very close with their portrait. If only they could level off his eyebrows a bit like I've done in the modified photo, I think people would be much more "wowed" by the piece.
Is that really only a quick eyebrow adjustment? It looks like a photo of Ford.
Much like the recent Arwen and other pieces (but not all - looking at you TDK Joker) that have come out, I have a feeling that the production piece will end up looking better than the proto; especially once in hand pictures begin to surface.
The Arwen piece is the first time the phrase 'creepy good' has popped into my head. It just looks like someone has frozen and shrunk her. And then weird freaks are feeling up and adjusting her clothing. :D
Is that really only a quick eyebrow adjustment? It looks like a photo of Ford.
Yes. I copied the eyebrows from a very similar angled photo of Ford from Last Crusade, then pasted them onto the JND image and blurred the edges of the pasted eyebrows a little so you couldn't see the "cut edge" from where I'd cut them from the actual photo.

The JND sculpt (from this angle anyway) is 99% perfect in my opinion. Only the upturned part of the eyebrows closest to the bridge of his nose let it down. I'm really excited to see the final production version.

Not much can be done to save the Fedora unless they re-sculpt it though. The detailing is wonderful, but the shape and fit of it is all kinds of wrong!
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I'm not on facebook but if anyone here is - you should post that photo on JND's page so they can see the reaction of people who see what it looks like with the eyebrow change. I've sent it to them directly, but if they can see the positive reactions of people who see the likeness better with this eyebrow change, hopefully they will tweak it,
Here's another image. Again - the only adjustments I made here were the angle of the eyebrows / frown and I opened up the eyes a bit more so he's not squinting so much. JND literally don't need to do anything else to improve this portrait except make the changes to the eyes and eyebrows as I've attempted to illustrate here. The rest of it is an absolute triumph in capturing all the details of Ford's face.


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I think the black and white helps on that other one with the higher contrast - it makes his eyes darker (which has a HUGE effect on nailing the HF likeness) and the stubble stands out more too.

Also, the JND skin tone is completely wrong; HF was not a 2024 "sun smart" person, he was a super tanned 80's person. Why they have made him so pale is just odd.