Thanks Gary!
I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself regarding the photos - these are really good. No lens aberration/distortion, etc and a couple of the close shots boarder on costume tests with a real person.
I know what you mean though, re a pro camera, but still... good job, sir!
So the eyes - you literally just pushed them back with your fingers, yeah?
I so wanted this movie to be amazing - the teaser trailer (to me) is one of the best trailers ever produced, and coupled with the fact that Se7en is in my top 5 all-time films I was the most excited I've been for a film in as long as I can remember. So I was a little disappointed with the end result, but that costume is undeniable, and hopefully Reeves pulls off a great trilogy (and doesn't mess with the costume design for each one! lol)
Thanks, it's mostly the sharpness and auto-blur, I'd love to have a professional camera but really low on my to-buy list. But thank you kindly!
Yeah, I just pushed the cowl eyes in a little bit, not sure how much they moved inwards, I didn't really assess how they were beforehand, so can't really say I noticed them being bulbous, they're really not that much bigger than other character I own. I think because Pattinson has quite unique lower eyelids where they dip around the curvature of the lower left and right eye ball, so when he looks to the left and right quite naturally you see more ball of his eye than other people whose lower eye-lid doesn't dip. Well, anyway, I don't notice an issue beforehand or after.
I absolutely love the costume, and Pattinson in the role. I'm also the same as you, I watched it first time round, extremely tired so struggled staying awake, unfortunately the second time around I was also falling asleep. Both times I walked away not really loving it as much as I was hoping to, but thought my tiredness maybe marred it. Watched it a third time, and it's just a good film. It has its problems, I'm not okay with thinking it's just good. It's a shame it wasn't incredible, but that's fine. Batman Begins was just good in my opinion also. Hopefully the second film will be the Dark Knight of this series. either way, ecstatic to own this piece!
I do wish they used real material, but the texture and realism is so on point anyway. I do wish the cape was better however, the outside is fine, but the inside seems like it's wrong to be lined with a satin like texture, I'm trying to find reference for it but can't, but it seems wrong, may be right.
Great pics
You’re definitely being too hard on yourself regarding your pics. This looks professional o compared to pics I would take
Appreciate it mate, thanks!
I might be misremembering but I thought you didn't like this piece?