I agree, they're pretty close but JND are not worth the money to me. A lot of the appeal of JND is their exclusivity and materials they make their pieces out of, but when queen looks as good and better in some ways, double the price seems sillyI mean I get the latex and glass eyes should make it look better and I see Bale there but perhaps 90-ish% Bale and I don't think it looks terrific. He looks kinda dumbfounded Whereas Queen DK is less Bale but looks killer to me. I think the Dress suit dou Bale is neat in 1/3 but portrait is just off to me and I have the HT armory from way back so have that look in 1/6 (yeah smaller but still really cool + it has Alfred! Where is Alfred in 1/3? Seems like Queen Studios is the one to have from my perspective. I would actually pair the JND Selena with the Queen TDK, measurements are similar so scale would be off and I wonder if it would actually be a better pairing. Cheers!![]()
That’s why JND is getting my money. I expect we’ll see some small tweaks to the statue before it’s released as JND tends to listen to customer feedback but it already looks incredible to me.JND pieces are obviously statues, but they're the only thing I've ever seen that cross the line of it's just a statue and pretty much are in a league of their own.
I agree that the techniques they use are the future, and the fact that they are pushing the realism factor is greatI think the worth in price difference to me ultimately comes down to, especially with those side by side comparisons, is that Queen Studios looks like a good statue, JND studios looks like a scaled down real person.
JND pieces are obviously statues, but they're the only thing I've ever seen that cross the line of it's just a statue and pretty much are in a league of their own.
JNDs Suit pose looks like hands in pockets men in suit version and i dont like it the more i look at it.
looks unnatural go to mirror and made this pose, not good at all. dont undertsand why the made 2 figures with same pose where 1 from them have the hands in the pockets
That's one the main reasons that's stopping me from pulling the trigger, it doesn't feel as natural and looks a little awkward to me. If they were positioned more like the Bruce Wayne sans hands in pocket, I think it would look a lot better, that would be perfect for me but that's just me. While the price is hard to swallow, I do feel JND is much more premium and at a different level and a more natural stance like the movie posters (with hope that final production will have fixed the cape accuracy) would've probably sold me. Like someone else had said a while ago, for the price of a premium statue, you have to be completely sold on it if you have a limited budget, especially when at this price point, you could purchase 2-3 smaller scale statues that you 100% love. The belt is a more accurate color; while the cape should be darker, it looks like the materials are better and have more weight than the creased nylon QS cape. I think the premium price is mainly for the unmasked sculpt but most of the time I would have the cowl on display so while it's a nice option to have both, the money-maker wouldn't be the primary display. I don't feel he would be the last 1/3 Bale although it might be a while before a new one is released. I'm tempted to gamble and wait to see how the 1/2 QS turns out compared to the P1. From the teaser we saw, if they used that cowl sculpt on their 1/3 as many had pointed out the flaws of the 1/3 before it was in final production, QS would be the best value for the buck. It wouldn't match the scales of the Ledger Jokers I would have (be getting) but he could always be the central display with the QS and P1 at the sides, and QS having 1 box even for 1/2 scale vs P1's 3 boxes (most likely), also a space-saver with regards to the art box. It really depends on the collector, what their limits are with respect to budget and space, but no doubt this is a beautiful piece, it just doesn't check off all the boxes at least for me quite yet. I really can't decide hahahard to compare the two with the difference in lighting but the only thing I prefer on the QS is the pose having his hands more at his side than in the front. I’ve never liked the base on the QS and prefer JND’s understated museum bases.
I also have a few gripes about the suit on JND - the neck is too thick and wide, why is there a dotted line that looks like a zipper going up the centre of his abs? The section of his chest with the black bat symbol is more raised up and pronounced than it should be
Compared to the real pic above it does look a bit much but I can't say I noticed before lolUhmm, probably should be focusing elsewhere but wondering what's going on here...
Looks like JND has more to prove in certain areas and wins the battle of the Codpieces. Seriously though, is a bit much or just me?
QS as good as it is, didn't nail at all the body proportions and armor plates. Just look carefully and you will see a lot of imperfections on the QS one. IMO it's a homerun by JND without discussion. If we only talk about the price then OK QS is better.QS nailed the body proportion and armor plates. JND nailed the cowl better than QS. Everything else is better on QS. No doubt the pair is impressive and will look great on shelf but JND needs to nail likenesses better at this premium. One can make out who it is but that’s not enough.
If you see my comments a couple of posts up, you'll see that JND has incorrect things too thoughQS as good as it is, didn't nail at all the body proportions and armor plates. Just look carefully and you will see a lot of imperfections on the QS one. IMO it's a homerun by JND without discussion. If we only talk about the price then OK QS is better.
Exactly, the price diff is crazy. Although I did buy JND Selena and think she is smokin and blows anything done before (eg Prime1) out of the water, this one to me is not posed ideally and features are bit off so even it it were same price as QS, I would still be conflicted. At double the price of QS, it would be a really hard pill to swallow.If you see my comments a couple of posts up, you'll see that JND has incorrect things too though
They both have pros and cons, but neither is better to me, so the price difference is ridiculous IMO
I've seen and to me the details your pointing are meaningless. I was just pointing the fact you said QS nailed the body proportion which is totally false...anyway. To each their own. To me JND just killed the game.If you see my comments a couple of posts up, you'll see that JND has incorrect things too though
They both have pros and cons, but neither is better to me, so the price difference is ridiculous IMO