Super Freak
Actually, I thought it was cooler/more mindblowing that they let November go. Ballard has always been driven by ONE thing-- rescuing Caroline. Now he can dictate terms to Adele, and who does he rescue? He'd rather have another shot at his G/F than rescue Caroline. Talk about hypocrite!
As said here before. I think Caroline was his professional obsession, but he really fell in love with Mellie and we really don't know the condissions for her release. To me it sounded like Ballard was forced to stay at the Dollhouse, because they wouldn't really let him leave, now that he knows of it. And releasing November was his one condition. what he's planning we should know in season 2. I think he will still try to take Dollhouse down from the inside if he becomes a handler. If he becomes an active that's another thing altogether.
We have to get these questions answered!! :emperor