Super Freak
Re: Jurassic World
This review is funny as hell.
'Jurassic World' Review: A Train Wreck of Morons and Bad CGI
This review is funny as hell.
'Jurassic World' Review: A Train Wreck of Morons and Bad CGI
"Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?”
My childhood: Consisted of names like Tyrannosaurus rex, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Iguanodon etc. Dinosaurs I still remember in my drawing in crayons, books and plastic toys.
June 12th 2015 and into our future, Paramount Pictures has ruined this for all children with the introduction of "INDOMINUS REX”. Jurassic World force feed the viewers the thought that after 14 year of waiting for a new JP movie we were already sick of dinosaurs. So Paramount Pictures created their own to market, sell to our children and place a fictional dinosaur into their consciousness. INDOMINUS REX exists now like it or not (with this stand alone movie or future sequels).
I love monster, creature movies. Giant alligators, snakes, apes etc., but JP was a place set aside for Dinosaurs. If I wanted my Dinosaur hit I would watch one of the three JP movies. I can sit on my couch and say “Damn look at those dinosaurs”! JW has violated this. Theres no law but I feel rules have been broken. INDOMINUS REX…..I didn’t know what to feel. "Its not a dinosaur, is it a monster? Then why does it look like a dinosaur. Dad. Yes son. When did INDOMINUS REX live? Well son INDOMINUS REX did not live. I know dad they are all extinct. Oh ****!!!
When I was young I never got bored of the zoo. I never got bored of lions, tigers elephants because I never see them everyday. If there was a opportunity to go to the zoo I would be like “YESSS”!!! Never did I think that I wished for something new. That’s I wished they took a Elephants body and place a lions head on it. That’s sort of thought would have been reserved for a carnival (man with a elephant head, woman with a kangaroo tail). I go to a zoo to see genuine animals NOT splice creatures.
JW reason for INDOMINUS REX is due to park attendance. People want to see something new, something bigger. When they first mentioned this new creature I imagined it to be about twice the size of T-rex. Something that would have obviously stood out as bigger. To be honest it looked the same size to me. Could not tell the difference. IMO the key and focus of the movie should have been around the “Mosasurus” (water dinosaur). I mean its huge, its a water creature, it actually existed and has never been seen in a JP movie. Everything they said they needed to boost attendance was right there. And what does this movie do?? They treat it as a background creature, like a Dinosaur that has been there since the original JP. My favourite scene in JW was when the assistant was dropped into the water and the Pteranodon’s were diving into the water (birds do this in real life). It was a great seen and new visual. Fourteen years ago after JP3 I felt that this franchise needed a reboot. We saw the zoo, we experienced the safari, we went into the wild. We needed a new frontier, a new focus that JP had not yet explored. We needed “Sea World”. Site C (sea). I have no idea how the story could revolve around under water BUT if you could make a movie based on splice creature with camouflage abilities and trained Raptors, you could most likely write a script for JW Seaworld!!
I thought it was interesting that Wu stated that due to ALL the dinos being hybrids (due to at the very least having frog DNA) that most likely none of them look like what they originally would have in nature. I wonder if that line was supposed to throw a bone to the "dinosaurs should have feathers" crowd.
That's the way I saw it.
'Cause dinos should have feathers. And colors.
They were never dinosaurs.
They were hybrids from the beginning, and as our knowledge of dinosaurs grows, the once-cutting-edge dinosaurs of Jurassic Park are pretty much fantasy. Even back then we knew that dinosaurs were probably brightly colored, but Spielberg thought the technicolor dinos wouldn't be scary, so he kept grey and green.
By now we know a lot of dinos had feathers, and there's a solid case that even large, adult dinos would keep some form of feathers for display and mating purposes. I would love to see the latest knowledge we have applied to dinos, but within the logic of Jurassic Park, these un-feathered creatures work just fine. And as Wu stated, the Indominus Rex is just the logical next step.
There you go.
I didn't think they had a "moment", people just interpreted it wrong. It's not like they winked or blew kisses at each other. They literally just looked at each other and walked away. I'm guessing the Rex was thinking "Should I go eat this raptor now? I'm wounded pretty bad and really tired but...**** it I'm leaving". And I think Blue was only watching her to see what she would do next.
Blue then looks over at Owen not out of love or friendship, but to interpret his next command.
That's how I saw it.
Not Uncle Bob, she was 22 years older, so I guess she was...Pops.
But that's how you do a freaking Pops. Charging through a Spinosaurus skeleton in slow motion not "I've been waiting for you," *monkey smile*
$208.8 Million Opening Weekend
Best all time now!
I feel she really compares more to Uncle Bob then. Rex busting up the Spinosaurus skeleton = Uncle Bob demolishing the police force with a mini-gun and grenade launcher. Or going back further Uncle Bob, being non lethal but nevertheless bad-a$$ in the biker bar.
I guess that's what I'm looking for, rationalisations that can work to explain something that otherwise might seem forced and silly crowd-pleasing stuff to an original film purist. As a T2 and Aliens fan I know all about this.
*I need a vacation vid*
After that scene finishes, one of the videos recommended is "Top 10 Memorable Scenes in Bad Movies".![]()
What did you think of Blue running in slow-mo and leaping on the I-Rex, a-dev?
This immediately came to mind:
The last thing we see the rex doing in JP is laying the smackdown on the raptors.
In JW she should have killed that cocky hero raptor and beat the **** out of the I-rex with it's limp corpse.