Jurassic Park Resurrection (Created in 2010)
Tim Murphy (Cybernetic Geneticist)
Alexis Norrington (Sister of Tim) Cameo
Dr. Alan Grant (Paleontologist) Cameo
Ian Malcolm (Chaos Mathematician) Cameo
Dr. Henry Wu (Ingen Cloner Geneticist)
Lily Richardson (Ingen board member)
Andy Montgomery (Ingen Computer Programmer)
David Fletcher
Joseph Mazzello - Tim Murphy
Michael Keaton - Andrew Montgomery
Bradley Darryl "BD" Wong - Dr. Henry Wu
Reese Witherspoon - Lily Richardson
Sam Neill - Dr. Alan Grant
Jeff Goldblum - Ian Malcolm
Board Members of Ingen go to their secret facility and meet brain controlled raptors and issues a clean up Isla Nublar and Sorna. The dinosaurs go berserk when things are almost ready, after painstakingly recapturing the park is back on schedule and is fulfilled with full opening.
This explains the Neural Implant designation.
This explains how when a balance of nature and control are in affect properly they live in perfect harmony.
The Meeting.
Here’s were we meet Andy and Lily where the board members bicker over reinstating JP. Though the solution hasn’t been decided, Andy leads the members to cars waiting for them outside. Clueless were they’re going, except Andy.
This is were Andy introduces Tim and Wu at Ingen’s old radioactivity lab that was converted into a biochemist facility. And where the board members meet the Raptors and decide okay to reinstate JP.
Victims from the Past
This is were Tim confronts Grant and Malcolm to gain info on Site B.
Inspection of the Vessels.
Tim, Lily, and Andy plus the rest of the crew inspect the Helicopters and Transport bunkers.
Site A.
They arrive and see new wonders to the park and the Dinosaurs we didn’t see the first time. The raptors are woken except the female. And are given special instructions through Andy’s wrist communicator to protect the team and alert them if they smell trouble.
Aftermath of a Park.
This is were the team inspects the overall infrastructure of the fences and mortared lagoons. They find out the fences are all shorted out and the lagoons are damaged.
Still Operational.
Though the news was predictable after 20 years of Rainfall. The team discovers the waterfall and geothermic generators are all fine. So the team just needs to put up new fences and drain the lagoons and mend the cracks without bothering the population of Dinos.
Establishing the Base of Operations.
The team spends the night in the bunkers and reports in to the Board. The Raptors spray a urine circle around camp to warn off smaller predators. Though through the bushes oblivious to the Raptors senses because of their strong urine is a stalker.
Frozen in Time.
The team inspects the Visitor Center. Tim being curious after all these years, heads straight to the kitchen. Opening the Meat Fridge, shocked to witness the freezer still having the raptor that pursued him and sister dead and frostbitten.
Terrors that Hatched.
The team inspects the Nursery/Lab. They find oodles of broken eggs. Upon before arriving Tim asked Grant what did he see before he and his sister got there. Grant answered they inspected some raptor eggs. This quote came back to Tim’s mind when he saw this. He thinks that the raptors couldn’t have survived, though time will tell.
The Old bird Attacks!
The team spends another night at camp, though as they sleep a bump shakes Tim’s bed. Half awake he looks at his clock and sees the water rippling. The ear pitched roar of a Tyrannosaur goes through the camp. Tim instantly thinks of everyone’s safety. As they look out the noise is gone and so is one of the raptors.
Rex Trap.
Now that the team knows the Rex is alive. They instantly set a trap and await for the creature. That turns out to be a no-show.
Night Stalkers.
The team is ambushed by a predator herd of Dilophosaurus’ coming back from the trap. The Raptors keep the herd away, but not without one of the members being lost.
Trouble dealt With.
The team puts up a perimeter fence around the camp. The camp is safe, though the jungle is not.
After 2 months of trapping the builders and worker land at the east dock. Progression starts as the workers rebuild the fences and the paddocks; that are now again filled with the species they belong to. The only significant problem is the loose Rex.
The Rex is caught and is now in its original pen. Though wary of escape, Tim issues a guard with a RPG.
Up and Running.
2 more months no significant problems and the assembly and work force has completed the task. JP is ready to open, though the only problem are the priceless creations that were not on this island.
Tim inspects the equipment still realizing that he has another island to attend to.
Site B.
The team arrives off the coast of Sorna, seeing a dark image in the water slowly return to the internal realms of the island from the Helicopter. Raising the thought, that they can get off the island.
Establishing the Base of Operations.
The team sets up another camp and gives the board once again another update.
The team investigates the outer and internal regions. After 2 days of studying and trapping animals Site A doesn’t have. The team witnesses 3 different clans of Raptors come together. The 1st clan is black and white, the 2nd is red and tiger striped, and the 3rd shorter and green suddenly they attack each other. After 15 minutes of brutal conflict the clans hiss at each other and head back the way they each came. Tim and the rest are astonished by the sudden rival attack.
The New bird.
The team is confronted by the Spinosaurus when moving in the lower territories. The team tries to outrun the dino, but loses another raptor satisfying the predators hunger.
Risky, but Plausible.
Tim sets a trap for the Spino, the plan goes wrong. Though utterly the tide turns when the Spino chases a raptor right back to the trap. The chemical chroluform effects the beast immediately and the team issue another transport carrier for the Spino to be moved to Site A in a empty updated paddock.
Notes of a Psycho.
More trapping and transporting. The team comes upon an one the old Ingen labs. They check the site out, noticing paper. Tim picks up the water soaked paper reading what he can. What he finds out is that Ingen was planning more deadly dinosaurs.
Déjà Vu.
The team head back to Site A to only have a Tropical Storm coming, Tim is reminded of this and hopes the events that happened last time don't happen. However the fences were all Nedry's fault so Tim made sure the fences were not on a digital grid.
In the Lion's den.
Wu and Andy express that they thinks it's better to add more species that have not been made, however Tim feels that would compromise the security more than it already is at the moment. The board agrees with Wu and Andy after a argument Tim and Lily.
Transporting the Goods.
Old Geneticists along with Chemist and Geneticist equipment arrive at the east dock for Wu's research on different species.
Disruption and Quarantine.
A volcanic tremor sets the geothermal plant to go haywire, frantic that it will explode; Tim makes the choice to shut down the plant but make necessary precautions at all the paddocks. The events go not as planned as the T-Rex and Spinosaurus paddocks are now broken by both animals that run amuck. The T-Rex and Spinosaurus battle, the Rex wins; however Tim tranquilizes it to return it to the paddock.
Appropriate Security.
Tim makes sure that the newly hired mercenaries now Zoo Wardens are well aware and prepared for JP.
A Dream Fulfilled.
A month later after the park is open a brass statue sits in the middle of the pond from the visitor center of John Hammond smiling holding up a compy on his finger. Tim looks at it knowing his Grandfather's dream is now real.
I wrote and submitted some of this to Speilberg. Idk if some elements were taken.

Not trying to get glory or anything, just wondering after 4 years if this is what to expect.