Jury Duty...Kinda Stressful.

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Coco the Cantankerous
CF Supporter
Mar 6, 2007
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So I'm scheduled to start the interview process for jury selection tomorrow and if I get chosen the trial starts the day after. It's a necessary part of the judicial system but I'm kinda stressing over it. I have no idea what type of trial I may be chosen for.

Anybody ever gone thru this before and had to sit on the jury?
Sometimes they call a bunch of people in but don't actually need many. You've probably got a 50% chance that you'll actually be chosen for something. And if you do, it's probably not anything big
I was on a jury about two years ago, real dumb case. Lasted 3 days. It was very interesting to see the judicial system at work.
I have had to go in 3 times - first time I was so close to getting on the jury...I was the last person they dismissed. :( I want to say I've been on a jury at least once in my life. I find it interesting. The other 2 times I just sat in a room waiting for my name to be called...which it never was.
Sometimes they call a bunch of people in but don't actually need many. You've probably got a 50% chance that you'll actually be chosen for something. And if you do, it's probably not anything big

I hope so. There's actually a pretty weighty case involving the death of a teenager that is suppose to start soon. I'm kinda afraid it may be what they're gathering a jury for tomorrow.
I have had to go in 3 times - first time I was so close to getting on the jury...I was the last person they dismissed. :( I want to say I've been on a jury at least once in my life. I find it interesting. The other 2 times I just sat in a room waiting for my name to be called...which it never was.

This is my first time. I find it interesting to see it upclose so far but the idea of having the responsibility makes me a little sick.
When I was chosen , they were also choosing jurors for a murder case. We were all asked to fill out forms whether we could serve a lengthy trial or not. Luckily I got a case where a guy fell on ice and broke his leg and sued his wife for not shoveling. :slap
When I was chosen , they were also choosing jurors for a murder case. We were all asked to fill out forms whether we could serve a lengthy trial or not. Luckily I got a case where a guy fell on ice and broke his leg and sued his wife for not shoveling. :slap

:lol That's the case I want. It would be devastating to the people I work for if I had to serve on a lengthy trial.
I don't know where you live - but in the urban areas - they call so many people in and probably only about 10% actually make it on a jury. And depending on how you word your answers (if you even make it to the interview portion) you could easily get yourself dismissed if you did not want to serve.

The case I almost got on - I think I was dismissed because I was a minority and I said I didn't think pot possession (for personal use)should be a serious crime. The case was for a drug dealer who beat up a female cop who had pulled him over during a routine traffic stop. he had lots and lots of pot in his car. The defendant was also Hispanic. Guess the prosecutor thought I might side with him for some stupid reason. :lol
I have a jury duty summons for next month. It'll be my second time being called upon. I have no qualms with it although I dread the possibility of 10-15 day trials. Like others have said though there's a good chance you won't even make it to the jury or past the interview portion depending on your given answers and how the lawyers react to you.
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Whenever I'm picked, I'm "on call" for 6 months. Once I was on for a year in a half. They kept pulling my name. I finally _____ed and said I couldn't keep taking off work and driving to the county seat so much when I only get $10. They took me off. A couple years later I was on the list again and was called up for an attempted murder case. I got dismissed because I have an in-home business. I would never want to be on one of those dumb insurance cases. Most of those are judged quick because the jurers want to go home. They just give them the money. I would hang it up because there's no way someone, like that guy with his wife, would get a settlement. If he did, it would be $1.
I've been called into Jury Duty twice. I never really wanna participate...cuz I just don't wanna.... So in the interview I just say that the trial goes against my religious beliefs (even tho I don't really have any beliefs) and they cut me out cuz I'm a liability to the case. ;)
I was summoned for jury duty once about 3 years ago. Went through 2 days of waiting before getting picked for a case. It was for an armed robbery at a gas station.

When the judge dismissed the handpicked jury for a lunch break, some woman (in our selected group) stupidly approached the prosecutor and started asking him questions about the case. The prosecutor was mortified and the entire jury was dismissed from the case when we all came back from lunch.

We were all asked to wait again in the same waiting room where we originally were waiting our names to get called for another trial. Thankfully, none of us were called and my time serving jury duty was completed.
What kills me is that there are so many people who don't work or WANT to serve, yet they're never picked. I'm waiting to go on the list again any time now. I do get paid at work now, but I still have to spend all day there, pay for lunch, parking and pay for gas back and forth. That for $10 a day.
I got picked for a jury once. I welcomed it because my job pays for up to five days of jury duty and the court house is 20 miles closer than my work :lol

Its a really interesting process too. We had a child and spouse abuse case. Some pretty crazy things were said.
I wanted to be on a jury, until the jury I was almost on was a sexual assault by a person of trust case.

In all honesty I made some stuff up to get out of it because I didn't want to set there for such an emotional case.
I have in the interview room three times, but luckily I haven't had to answer questions. Judges/lawyers love teachers, so if I ever get on a panel I am screwed.
I've gotten jury summons three times. First time I didn't have to go in because I was on a graveyard shift at work. Second time I was hospitalized and radioactive. Third time I called every day and they never listed my number to come in.