Reading all this in one thread really just makes me think over and over. How could they screw up such an opportunity with the prequels. I'm gonna be totally disagreed with by alot I guess but, Star Wars is so sacred to people and it seems all Lucus did was recall the originals and didnt even take the damn time to study the facts of his own vision. The prequels could have been great. Not great as in better than good, but great pieces of cinema.
But CGI ruled all else. Over acting, script and story. Its just really sad to me. People all love the prequels still because it still is SW, but to me, it will never BE the Star Wars I invision. The thrid was actually good, but in comparison to the opportunity, it fails in so many ways.
I could expand abit more, but I think I get what Im trying to say across mildly.