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Agent0028 said:
Sora Bulq also used Vaapad according to the Clone Wars Comics. In Shatterpoint it says that Mace and Depa were the only masters of it, but by this point Sora was out of the picture so that could be why he wasn't mentioned. Or maybe he used it but wasn't a master of it.

nice, was unaware of that. another reason i should've read the comics. :monkey2
hairlesswookiee said:
nice, was unaware of that. another reason i should've read the comics. :monkey2

Sitting on my shelf to read after I finish the Jedi Acadamy Triology (which is F'n great so far)
tomandshell said:
My theory is that George Lucas didn't originally envision the Jedi as celibate, and back in '77 it seemed appropriate for Jedi to be talking about their offspring. Then he invented the "forbidden love" concept when prequel time came around. The concept of Anakin talking about his kids with Obi-Wan pre-Dark Side became an impossibility.

I don't think George envisioned a number of things, that is why there are such glaring errors. :eek:
I was just over at StarWars.com to try to find something when one of the blog entries caught my eye. It pointed out that when the Emperor was hitting Luke with the force lightning he says, "Father, please, help me" or something, anyways the person who wrote the entry says that in ROTS its the same thing Padme says when Anakin has visions of her dying during childbirth. The authors theory was that Luke using those words triggered what was left of a paternal feeling in Anakin bringing back the memories of Padme. I just thought it was interesting given that while there are alot of glaring continuity errors, there are also alot of small bridges that to me seem a lot more important than the gaps.
tomandshell said:
My theory is that George Lucas didn't originally envision the Jedi as celibate, and back in '77 it seemed appropriate for Jedi to be talking about their offspring. Then he invented the "forbidden love" concept when prequel time came around. The concept of Anakin talking about his kids with Obi-Wan pre-Dark Side became an impossibility.

lucas recently said the jedi are not celibate. they do have sex. it's one way that they guarantee new jedi will be born. they are not allowed to fall in love and be attached to their sex partners though.:lol
Buttmunch said:
Another thing I don't get is why Obi's and Darth's rematch in ANH is so weak. I know they were shot 25 years before Sith, but the fight just isn't as good as the prequal fights with old people.

lucas explained that obi-wan was old and had not kept up his training and vader was a broken down cyborg.

sure vader was good against luke, but we all know, any PT jedi or sith would smoke the OT vader.:emperor
I've gotten to a point of fandom that I can explain anything. And if there is no explanation...the Force.:rotfl

Anyway, Leia could have seen her Alderan mother die, they never say she's alive in ANH.

R2-D2 got tired of showboating (ok weak I know)

The Emperor was being electricuted by his own evilpower, I doubt he'd have energy to catch himself. Plus I think he was so surprised at what betrayel had happened, he's so arrogant that it kind of blindsided him.

Also, I'd say watch em' 4,5,6,1,2,3 for first time viewers. After that who cares,I know I watch em' 1-6now, but I apprecdiate it better as 4-6 than 1-3.
Darth Loki said:
One reason for the weaker fight scene is the fact that originaly Lucas wanted the idea that the lightsabers were in fact very heavy, like a broad soard, and needed two hands to wield. He went away from that idea in ESB. Also the fact that Obi never really intended on winning that fight and he hadn't used a saber in almost 20 years.

Also, on weak fight scenes 4-Oldman vs. Robot. 5-Padawan vs. Robot who doesn't want to kill him just tempt and tell him he's his father. 6-More temptation, but than that last fury of Lukes is passion and desperation, not skill and tactics.
Well here's something I didn't get when I watched Ep. III again a week ago.
At the end of Ep. III, Vader asks the Emperor what happened to Padme? The Emperor replies that she's dead you killed her (something to that effect). But how the hell did the Emperor know that? Obi-Wan took her away about the same time the Emperor arrived and at that time she was still alive. She died in seclusion from the Emperor, so the only way he could know is if he had spies or used the force to sense her death, either way he should've also known Padme gave birth to twins shortly before.

The only way I see him knowing is if Vader came off that operating table quite sometime after those events took place, after Padme's body was returned to Naboo. But I personally didn't get that impression while watching. If my memory serves me, Padme's birth and subsequent death and Vader's reconstruction scenes where enter cut giving the impression that they happened at the same time.
Of coarse I hadn't slept in 24 hours when I made the observation so that may have been why it didn't make any sense to me at the time.
screamingmetal said:
Well here's something I didn't get when I watched Ep. III again a week ago. etc.
I feel like a geek saying this, but hey I'm among friends. :p

The time it takes to travel through hypersapce from Mustafar to Polis Massa is alot less than the time it takes to travel from Mustafar to Coruscant so they did not occur simultaneously, it was just cut that way for dramatic effect. I pulled that outta my rear so take it or leave it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :lol
captain sack said:
lucas recently said the jedi are not celibate. they do have sex. it's one way that they guarantee new jedi will be born. they are not allowed to fall in love and be attached to their sex partners though.:lol
Maybe that's why everyone was so gungho to be Jedi...
Agent0028 said:
I feel like a geek saying this, but hey I'm among friends. :p

The time it takes to travel through hypersapce from Mustafar to Polis Massa is alot less than the time it takes to travel from Mustafar to Coruscant so they did not occur simultaneously, it was just cut that way for dramatic effect. I pulled that outta my rear so take it or leave it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :lol

You are correct. They did not occur simultaneously, but were cut together for the sake of the audience. It's like the old, "How did the Empire beat Han and Leia to Cloud City?" debate. In that case, the Falcon was travelling at sublight speed, and once Fett tracked them close enough to their final destination he contacted Vader, who was able to get there immediately. Also, all of the Luke and Yoda training is spread over a long period of time that also encompassed the entire long (and slow) journey from the trash dump to Bespin. The escape from Hoth, chase in the asteroids, and trash dump escape all took place in approximately the amount of time it took Luke to get settled in on Dagobah. He spent weeks being trained by Yoda while the Falcon was slowly crawling through space towards Cloud City, but everything is cut together in a way that makes it fast-moving and entertaining for the audience. Just like the intercutting between Padme's death and Anakin's transformation into Vader.
Off topic: Anyone ever think about how much it must suck to spend a week in hyperspace in an X-Wing cockpit?
Agent0028 said:
Off topic: Anyone ever think about how much it must suck to spend a week in hyperspace in an X-Wing cockpit?

LOL, yeah. I'd have to keep myself from opening the cockpit.
You know what always bugged me -- the amount of time Luke and Leia left Han Solo hanging on the wall in Jabba's Palace. A year!? It took them a year to formulate a rescue plan? And what plan was it anyway? Lando didn't do anything but get a job there -- he didn't help them get in. They could have pulled the whole Boushh thing a lot sooner than a year. And after a year of planning whatever it was, Luke fell into a pit with the Rancor and got captured. Some rescue plan. If I was Han, I'd be pissed.

Reading all this in one thread really just makes me think over and over. How could they screw up such an opportunity with the prequels. I'm gonna be totally disagreed with by alot I guess but, Star Wars is so sacred to people and it seems all Lucus did was recall the originals and didnt even take the damn time to study the facts of his own vision. The prequels could have been great. Not great as in better than good, but great pieces of cinema.
But CGI ruled all else. Over acting, script and story. Its just really sad to me. People all love the prequels still because it still is SW, but to me, it will never BE the Star Wars I invision. The thrid was actually good, but in comparison to the opportunity, it fails in so many ways.
I could expand abit more, but I think I get what Im trying to say across mildly.

BDboystoys said:
Reading all this in one thread really just makes me think over and over. How could they screw up such an opportunity with the prequels. I'm gonna be totally disagreed with by alot I guess but, Star Wars is so sacred to people and it seems all Lucus did was recall the originals and didnt even take the damn time to study the facts of his own vision. The prequels could have been great. Not great as in better than good, but great pieces of cinema.
But CGI ruled all else. Over acting, script and story. Its just really sad to me. People all love the prequels still because it still is SW, but to me, it will never BE the Star Wars I invision. The thrid was actually good, but in comparison to the opportunity, it fails in so many ways.
I could expand abit more, but I think I get what Im trying to say across mildly.


I agree that Lucas seemed a little too concerned with CGI. TPM was still a great movie with a great story but hindered by bad acting (albeit by a 10 year old), and a worthless creature that was nothing more than a fart joke (and there is a fart joke in TPM!) for kids. That's the only thing that bothers me about TPM.

Hayden doesn't do a wonderful job with Anakin in AOTC but that's about the only thing wrong with that movie. I mean come on, we get to see Yoda fight! It sets up Anakin's relationship with Padme, and the beginning of the Clone Wars very well.

Hayden was much better in ROTS, but the movie was really hindered by dialog. There are some very awkward seens with him and Padme. The rest of the movie is amazing though. Except that GG is made to be a little bitch.

Overall the PT was supposed to be about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and I think it did a wonderful job of that. There are some acting and dialog issues, but they exist in the OT too. None of the little inconsistencies between the two trilogies are major enough to cause me to lose sleep tonight and I think most of the things we were wondering about before the PT got answered.
I have the most perfect answer to every question you could possibly ask about Star Wars.....



Seriously though, if you'd take a look at JRR Tolkien and the time it took to polish Lord of the Rings to perfection (and I'll bet he would still be at it, if he'd be alive today), there's no possible way for a movie director to write the perfect story. There will ALWAYS be incontinuities.

Btw, I really like that idea about in which order to watch the movies; IV, I, II, V, III and VI. That indeed builds up the movies very well. I think I'll try out that order some day soon!

Except that GG is made to be a little bitch.

Indeed I think GG would have been alot more badass if GL hadnt cut out that scene in which GG killed the blue chick.
yeah, i would've also loved to have the opening battle show GG being rushed by 3 or 4 Jedi only to see him easily wipe them all out. then it would've made him more respectable and make people realize even more than when obi wan beats him its not just some fluke.