Vader AL said:i think what's going on is reason rather than emotion. i can't think of much al gore does or has does that uses reason. they have no thoughts for themselves...that's why they have no identity as a political party. overlord? more than reagan was an overlord, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. gut over brain? how about you use your brain when someone is punching you in the face and see how that goes. anyhoo off topic....time in.
(Slightly off topic - at least not subtitle related)
I personally don't have much use for any politician - they are all self serving.
I was referring to this book that just came out:

and the point that he is trying to make which I think is a very serious one: The marketplace of reasoned debate our country was founded on is being endangered by a variety of allied forces: the use of fear and the misuse of faith (Bush's two big clubs he hammers the populace with), the distractions of our entertainment culture (what Hollywood starlet is flashing her junk this week), and the concentrations of power in the national media and the executive branch.
If you don't like Gore, then how about comedian Bill Hicks who maintained that the medium of television has been hijacked simply as a means of keeping the populace quiet and selling them products:
So there, we have figured out, go back to bed America, your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed America, your government is in control again. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up! Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators. Here's 56 channels of it. Watch these pituitary ******* bang their ********* skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go America - you are free, to do as we tell you. You are free, to do as we tell you.
That Neil Postman and Huxley stuff is really great. Gets lost in the shuffle with the Orwell Big Brother stuff.