Super Freak
I think VH1 had a "Where are they now?" with Sam Worthington last weekend.
The first thing I thought of when I saw that pic was..Same thought here.
As cool as a JL movie might be, let's not fool ourselves, it's probably gonna be pretty bad if not done right.
kept thinking "I really hope DC don't try and replicate this for justice league".
I realise the general consensus is that it was pretty much loved by all but I was just really let down.
It was the feel good comedy of the year.
Bat/supe movie that leads into JL.
i like that but i want them to keep nolans bat and make it to where the events of man of steel dont happen untill right after tdkr or during tdkr and to tie it in supes saves bats from the nuke
If they did decide to tie the movies together that's actually a really cool idea and a great way to explain how he survived. Would be amazing to see that or at least have supes and bats mention it.
Also, Zach, I love your new sig. I can't stop staring at it.
On another note, not sure if this is the place to ask but does anybody have any suggested reading for justice league? I was never into the idea before, more just n joyed the characters in their own respective worlds/titles, but over the course of talking and reading about the possible movie I've gotten quite interested in the idea. Want to know what are some of the best stories to start reading.
new 52 justice league and kingdom come <<<<<<good comics
Cool, I actually started reading kingdom come, as it's generally regarded as a classic. And I love Alex Ross' art. I'd heard a lot of bad things about new 52 justice league when the new 52 started. Did it get better or is it generally just quite divided in opinion?
Bat/supe movie that leads into JL.