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They need to because there has been no live action flick by anyone that can touch those few minutes of greatness.
A few years ago I felt the same way about an Avengers movie. . .I still do (I think a Brad Bird directed CG Avengers could make the live action version look like Great Lakes Avengers in comparison), but a live action film can be done well IMO.
WB is going to constantly be bringing up Justice League to keep all their investors happy. That company has been run by suits who always want their hands in the cookie jar and are messing with all the properties.

It's still amazing we had a Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, let a lone ONE movie.
Does it have to be a 'we must outgross avengers or not bother' affair.

Just make the film as best as you can and hope for the best. Forget what other film studios are doing.
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It doesn't need to be Avengers or even top that film. Just needs to be a good movie with the top DC heroes. Most of them are already well known and don't need a build up film.

Marvel needed build ups. Iron Man was a very good movie, that is why it did well. Thor, Capt were moderate movies and Incredible Hulk was meh. Hawkeye and Black Widow didn't get lead in movies, prolly because they would be poor performers.
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I'm not sure about that. Most people can't name a Superman villain besides Lex Luthor. And most couldn't even name Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, or Martian Manhunter's secret identities let alone any of their villains. I think people recognize the characters, but don't know enough about them to just jump right in. I think the same was true with Marvel. People knew of and recognized Iron Man, but didn't know much about him.
I agree with EF, Iron Man was a b-level Marvel character to the public-at-large prior to the movie, as was Thor. Captain America wasn't much better, but he was iconic enough in his way. The only guy Marvel Studios had a right to that I would have banked on most Joes on the street knowing about was Hulk. Batman and Superman are huge icons that everyone knows. Wonder Woman had a well known TV show and is the most well known female comic character in existence. I would say that Flash right now is where Iron Man/Thor were prior to their movies. GL had a movie, so he will have some level of recognition.

I definitely do not think the Marvel route needs to be pursued by WB for them to succeed, but I wonder if they have the imagination to try anything else.
I'm not sure about that. Most people can't name a Superman villain besides Lex Luthor. And most couldn't even name Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, or Martian Manhunter's secret identities let alone any of their villains. I think people recognize the characters, but don't know enough about them to just jump right in. I think the same was true with Marvel. People knew of and recognized Iron Man, but didn't know much about him.

If you are familiar with Batman then you are probably familiar with the key JLA characters. They've featured in almost if not every one of his animated series.

That's how i learned about them, you kinda piece things together over time. But i agree that the general public probably don't know of their supporting characters, origin ect..

I agree with EF, Iron Man was a b-level Marvel character to the public-at-large prior to the movie, as was Thor. Captain America wasn't much better, but he was iconic enough in his way. The only guy Marvel Studios had a right to that I would have banked on most Joes on the street knowing about was Hulk.


Most of the iconic and well known Marvel properties were made long before the Avengers because they're more popular
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Marvel cinematic universe was just a wet dream when WB was rolling out superhero classics like Superman 1/2 and 89 Batman.

Marvel was busy giving us TV Spiderman and Captain America with a motorcycle helmet.

Marvel is at the top now but it will change, it always does.

Just ask Pixar.
The newest rumor is that Bale will be returning as Batman and Nolan and Snyder will be shepherding in the era of the world's greatest superheroes:


Take it with a grain of salt (maybe 2 or 3), but, at this point, if it even sounds remotely good, I'm in. I just want to see a Justice League movie (a good one) happen inmy lifetime.
I'm not geting my hopes up with that. Let's face it, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. :gah:
Not going to buy that just yet, yeah, grain of salt . . . . but that'd be really cool.

Take away the TDKR stuff with the 8 years, the leg, the hermit crap, put him in a position where Wayne is Batman fighting crime and I'd be into it.
Latinoreview, the originator of this rumor, has a pretty good track record with this stuff. We'll see though.

The biggest reason I could see this happening is because of Green Lantern and Avengers. They know how good their team movie could be, but at the same time how bad they can fail. A team of Nolan and Bale would certainly put some of their nerves to rest. I'm sure they would be paying a lot of money to have Nolan.
Not going to buy that just yet, yeah, grain of salt . . . . but that'd be really cool.

Take away the TDKR stuff with the 8 years, the leg, the hermit crap, put him in a position where Wayne is Batman fighting crime and I'd be into it.

Also, change that hideous ****ing costume.

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