Anytime Jerry.And thanks Shell for helpin' out with the remarque question out there ; )


Anytime Jerry.And thanks Shell for helpin' out with the remarque question out there ; )
Good question.
I'm not 100 %, but I'll probably put up the "Pre-buy" window for around 2 weeks during the approval / press time. Also, just before actual launch, I hope to have my "video" teaser out. We'll see.
So far, things are actually coming together fairly well, and I plan to start Gandalf next week, then on to the One Ring.
And thanks Shell for helpin' out with the remarque question out there ; )
Hi JoshI'm assuming we can get a different version of the character thats already on the print like before?
Hi Havok.
With any Collectors Edition ( FOTR TTT ROTK ) you can request the character of your choice for the remarque or sketch that I will draw on the litho. Paypal has a "note" section when you make payment. This is the means by which I record the request, and from there, I will try to accomodate that request when I do the sketch for that particular order. This is not a guarantee, but it helps me make the attempt to get the desired character, if you want a sketch on your litho. If you want just the signed and numbered version ( Limited Edition ), then you can go that route.
Now with ROTk, for a short time, I will be having a window of time where you can "Pre-Buy" a Collector's Edition ROTk litho before it is available. For those that do this, it is guaranteed that the character request will be honored. Exactly what angle, or frame from the film the character ends up is my call.
I hope this helps clarify. For any of you that know my system, feel free to chime in, because I don't always catch these questions about the remarques in time! Take care,
Hey gang,
Sorry I have been gone for a while, and have not checked in. I was busy putting the last touches on ROTK painting.But anyway I thought I would let you know that the painting is done!!!
As soon as I get an aproval from WB, I will be sure to post it here. I will keep you posted on when I will have the PRE-BUYS up.
Hey gang,
Sorry I have been gone for a while, and have not checked in. I was busy putting the last touches on ROTK painting.But anyway I thought I would let you know that the painting is done!!!
As soon as I get an aproval from WB, I will be sure to post it here. I will keep you posted on when I will have the PRE-BUYS up.
So far, the ROTK is in the approval process, so for now, I am working on the little teaser "video".
I have far more invested in this piece than the first two combined, but I hope to be on press within a week or two. Keep yur fingers crossed!
BTW, someome asked for a Witchking sneek peek? He will appear in the teaser : )