Super Freak
Re: *UPDATED* Kato 1/6 Laughing Man Outfit - Sports Jacket Pre-Order now Up!
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Edit - see below
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You sent $30 twice, i'll double check and confirm lol
Kato's suit is just sublime and Zach's head is fantastic, great combo!
..and here is the black mark the magnet left, the bottom magnet also left another mark, but it's no where near as bad as the top one.
Can you see the mark when the vest is closed?
Ya a little bit of black is always visible at the side of the magnet ..only i would know it's there.
OK.. Pls kindly send me back and let me see if anything I can improve it
Make sure that it is in original situation.
That's very nice of you Kato..but what if it happens again,and it's worse the second time?
Well if that happens then surely he can send you back the original one you have now?
Hi Umair and gentlement :
I. The first shipment 5pcs of jacket are planned to be delivered next week, pls send me the full payment for this lot, THX!
This is the first shipment list according to the record :
1. intothevoid (FULL PAYMENT)
2. Shortround (FULL PAYMENT)
3. Shortround (FULL PAYMENT)
4. Commtech (FULL PAYMENT)
5. Blakus939 (FULL PAYMENT)
II. Pls ntd that up to now there is only 5 full payment and 1 deposit has done. After the first shipment has done, the making jacket will be stopped until the other people start paying the deposit again. So Umair pls be so kind to remind those people to arrange deposit or even full payment asap.
I wouldn't worry Cal. One of mine vest is in even worse condition than that. The glue spots are waaaay heavier than yours. But it doesn't bother me because you can't see it with the vest closed. And like kato said, I rather have that than a big ass piece of velcro.
Btw great pictures! Maybe move that mess of wires behind your detolf. Kinda ruins it no?