KG - you need to sand to get the blazer to fit well, the blazer is sleeves are too tight to fit with regular Advanced arms and the shirt underneath. Plus you will be adding the overcoat in the end which will need more room still.
Eh Kato!
I was looking pictures of the coat of the joker again and I was thinking about something
Do you think that it will be possible to make 1/6 shouders pad to have the specific look of the coat ( during the mob scene!)
I made a quick mockup to show what I mean ^^ ( with all my respect for your work buddy)
it more easier for me because my english is really limited for clothing things!
I really don't think shoulder pads are needed. Like Kato said, just a little futzing will give it the effect.
I really don't think shoulder pads are needed. Like Kato said, just a little futzing will give it the effect.