Kato - you need to understand we're all in the same boat here, we're just trying to give constructive feedback to get the best possible joker outfit made. It is costing us a LOT of money to do this and at the same time we understand it is costing you a LOT of time. But you are being compensated for that accordingly.
Most of us will never spend this kind of money on a 1/6 project again! So you need to understand when we give feedback, it is because a LOT of our money is at stake and we need to make sure we are happy with the final product.
I am VERY confident we will all be floored by the end full outfit, because you have put so much hard work into this.
Just don't take the criticism the wrong way, we know you don't have a factory mill and that colours will not be 100% perfect - but at the same time, there has to be a balance between choosing colours that are close enough to the original and which work best in 1/6 in terms of bulk.
So in a nutshell, would be good if you don't say things like that, let's try and work together to get this done the right way.