Kaustic Plastik / Infinite Statue - 1/6 Hammer Horror of Dracula

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They're teasing just a bit more ...
Boo on the site exclusives crap. I want to order from somewhere more local level, and where my native tongue is understood if something goes awry. Using Google translator sucks as bad as FOMO.
Boo on the site exclusives crap. I want to order from somewhere more local level, and where my native tongue is understood if something goes awry. Using Google translator sucks as bad as FOMO.
I will not be ordering from IS/KP again. Took too long and just wasn't worth it. All I need are the basic figures, accessories don't interest me as much.
I’m just hoping the website exclusives are more Bela Dracula fun-to-have than Nosferatu must-have as I’m sure that shipping isn’t going to be cheap.
Completely agree - there are some exclusives that are just a bit of fun and then, like Nosferatu, there are exclusives that just elevate the whole figure to a new level.
The collector in me wants the latter for Lee's Dracula but my wallet would be far happier if it was the former.
Had no idea this was coming. What social media platform is that from, apparently, I need to follow it.
Had no idea this was coming. What social media platform is that from, apparently, I need to follow it.
If you have an Instagram, follow the Kaustic Plastik or Infinite Statue account. They've been posting teases there.
Completely agree - there are some exclusives that are just a bit of fun and then, like Nosferatu, there are exclusives that just elevate the whole figure to a new level.
The collector in me wants the latter for Lee's Dracula but my wallet would be far happier if it was the former.
I thought about getting the whole shebang on their website, but KP's shipping times are just outrageous. Would much rather go through Sideshow and receive it faster. That, and I really don't want Orlock's coffin. It's beautiful, but it takes up too much space and I'll never pose him in it. I wish I could purchase him with just the door- it's so iconic! Maybe someone will sell the door on the secondhand market after his release.
Saw the preview pics of the photo shoot online. Love that castle dio they are using. I need one of those!
So we have the face of Dracula A.D. 1972 with the hair from Dracula. He should look like this if they are going for Dracula 1958View attachment 630952
Don't buy it. Problem solved. Money saved. You'll be happier.

EDIT: I wouldn't buy their offering of this Lee if it was primarily inspired from this somewhat unflattering photo. His eyes are wall eyed in the pose. He's laying on his back, which causes gravity to pay a role on his face. Rendering it devoid of his crow's feet and other fine lines Lee had. In addition, his head is turned, and in laying flat, it gives him the appearance of a double chin from the combination of the aforementioned gravity, and having had loose skin in this stage of his life. He was 36 when Horror of Dracula was released. Middle aged for most men of that era, despite having lived nearly 100 years.
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Yeah, that's it! It's been too long of a wait, but now we have some definitive Hammer 1:6 figures. After 20 years I can put my custom Van Hellsing project away and move on to the Infintie/Kaustic release.