That's a great idea, I'll have a lookEtsy - I get a lot of 3D printed logos for my displays.
That's a great idea, I'll have a lookEtsy - I get a lot of 3D printed logos for my displays.
I usually get small name plates and with double sided tape I stick them to the front of Sideshow stands, environmental stands, and occasionally I’ll get a larger freestanding logo…That's a great idea, I'll have a look
..also Phantom of the opera ..Anyway something Old classics horror moviesCongrats to those who got this looks great. I'd love to see them tackle London after midnight and Frankenstein.
Now , this right here is the proper way to display something of this nature. Not sitting in the floor of an already overstuffed room. Or worse, left in the box and not displayed at all. Lovely!
Well, I know what I'm adding to my bucket list.Nosferatu was (maybe still is) a staple at the Cathedral of St. John The Devine in uptown Manhattan, NYC for their halloween festivals. They would have special lighting throughout the space and fog machines. They would show the film (with live music), then have a spooky parade with lots of amazingly elaborate costumes and photo ops. The Cathedral was the perfect setting, and hundreds of people attend every year. Lots of fun!
I modified the old SS version so i can display both sculpts and extra arms. It's not perfect but i'm happy enough.
For those interested.. the body is from BCS, minus the forearms. I added shrink tubing to the joint pegs to give them more of a snug fit for the KP arms.
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