I myself am conflicted. I got into the hobby for the lifelike portraits and whatnot, so I tried to stick close to HT (and even then I waited for specific versions). But in some cases I compromised. I have some BCS Doctors, even though the quality isn't the same, and I ended up overpaying. Now I've got BCS Tommy & 12 on PO, and I'll end up paying nearly 500€ for each (already paid off 12) after taxes and everything. I've also got the Iconiq Bateman on PO. My point is, if I like the character enough, and it's a niche property, I'm willing to ignore some faults. But right now... I don't know. InArt makes even HT look a bit dated in comparison, and now these are some tiers bellow that, yet they're asking for the same prices. The average figure costs ~300 now. And the dollar and the euro became equal, so I'm not saving on anything. Not to mention the ever increasing taxes. So I have to think quite a bit before any purchase. Then there's the fatigue with the kind of figures that get made on a consistent basis, me being tired with pop culture in general and everything else.
Looking at that teaser the HS looks soft. The hair's extremelly toyetic and the skin texture's not blowing me away. Looking at previous figures they appear good enough, around BCS quality. But I already (mostly) paid off the BCS stuff, you know? And I partially got the modern Doctor because my mum liked the show a lot. The point is, I don't have to account for another 300-500 figure which I hadn't planned for, on top of the ones I was prepared for. Do I even like Twin Peaks, and Cooper as a character, enough to pay that? There's too much, too fast, and I'm spreading myself thin trying to cover all the properties. I'll probably be passing. At this point, I can't be spending that much cash on guys with a suit and tie, especially if the price is not equivalent to the quality. I hope it comes out good enough for those more into the property than me however.
This hobby is getting too rich for my blood, but I'm fine paying more for something I love if the quality's there. 500$ IA figures with detailed bases and rooted hair and everything is better value than a mediocre plasticky 300$ figure. My days of buying whatever I merely liked are behind me. I've got to stick to my rules moving forward.