Whist another version of Wallace is to be welcomed (and this looks to be of good quality at what will, no doubt, be a very reasonable price), I do wonder why it has to be a near identical lift off the Iminime version though, even so far as to the exact same inaccuracies in the colour scheme and the the war vest. Why not go for a different head sculpt selection rather than one that is obviously going to draw direct comparison to another companies previous release? it's almost as if someone sat down and studied the Freedom Warrior figure rather than the actual source material.
The answers to your question are very simple...
1) Color Scheme. Actually our color scheme is improved over the former version. The Iminime version in real hands it is just "no color". Just a brown washed vest.
It's not easy the tartan Printing over a vest, for sure there is a margin of improvement of colors but it's NOT EASY.
One of the main reason we delayed so much the prototype it's exactly this problem.
We tried several Printing for 2 months. This is the best result so far. But for sure in final version will have improvements.
Both version are similar because Iminime fronted the same Printing problem.
2) Leather War vest. Similar problem as well. If you want to use eco-leather material the effect will be the same of Iminime version. Not because we are coping Iminime pattern, but because the Eco-leather available in the market are a limited number, expecially the ones when you can carve the pattern shape typical of this armour.
3) Head expression. Ehm are you serious? In this movie there are basically 2 Expressions. Screaming expression and not screaming expression.. and Both of them was made by Iminime...
Now I would love to see the END of this comparison with iminime...
Nobody are noticing the work we made for Warhammer (wood and die cast) , Double-handed Mace (wood and Die cast), Double handed sword that it's a little jewel made in Metal and craftmade, Shield (the most accurate so far), boots.. etc.etc.?
It's quite sad..